Tag Archives: Dark Side

Avoid Fear


When the fake plandemic started, the Angels and I warned people not to get into fear. Fear shows lack of trust in God, and it’s totally against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As a matter of fact, in the Bible, it says not to fear 365 times! Continue reading

Purpose of Incarnated Angels


Several thousand years ago, some good Angels started incarnating as humans. Although, up until 1996, when Archangel Michael revealed the truth about this phenomenon through my mediumship, nobody seemed to know. But they are here, and this is why…

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Talking with Archangel Michael


As ZARA prepared herself to receive Archangel Michael my fingertips began to sweat. What if? I watched her energy change, I watched her face soften. I watched her posture change. We had been talking for about forty-five minutes, so I was startled at the changes in her voice, her pronunciation, her new word use, tone and cadence. This was real and as I asked my first nervous silly question, chills ran up my spine! Continue reading

Angel Readings and Self Awareness


When people have their first session with me, the information that comes through, they say, is like a fountain of understanding and wisdom. The Good Angels that I work with have taught me well over the years, and they’ve shown me many things in detail that most other readers and counselors don’t seem to notice or apprehend. Then I’m able to explain these things to the clients in ways they’re able to understand. Continue reading

Archangel Michaels Insights


Archangel Michael came through to me in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers about several important topics. Here are the highlights from that session Continue reading

Incarnated Angels vs the Dark Side


Over the last many centuries, Incarnated Angels have come to earth through the normal process of birth for the express purpose of being a positive influence on humanity. While Incarnated Angels are indeed human, they actually have a different origin from regular people. Most people were created as humans from their beginning, but the ones I call Incarnated Angels were originally created as Angels, before ever incarnating as humans. Continue reading

Avoid Dark Side Attacks

The Dark-Side uses our curiosity, and negative qualities such as greed, foolishness, and ignorance against us.
Besides using our negative qualities against us, they also use our positive qualities as well. But we don’t have to feel trapped, we can side-step Dark-Side attacks. Continue reading

Protection From the Dark Side


When a Dark-Side Attack is going on in your life, it’s difficult not to notice it. In fact, it can seem like a streak of bad luck. But the person being attacked tends to get suspicious when the streak of bad luck continues far longer than could be written off as a mere coincidence. Continue reading

Dark Side Attack


In my capacity as Angel-Reader and Spiritual Counselor, I often get calls from people who are under spiritual attack. Although their descriptions vary, there is a common line that one can detect when paying attention. Some of the specifics I hear about involve several things in their lives going suddenly and radically askew. Examples can include: Continue reading

Famous Incarnated Angels


The dark side is composed of beings who are sworn enemies of goodness and they know that Incarnated Angels are here to help humans and be a good influence. They want this to stop and they will stoop to any means to do so… Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Influence


Angels, Incarnated as humans, have been living on earth, trying to lead, influence, and help humans, for thousands of years. But this earth has more than just Incarnated Angels trying to influence the fate of humanity…but the dark side is at work also. Continue reading

Lose Free Choice


Through fear perpetrated by what I believe is the darkside, many people have lost their common sense regarding both health and social interaction. They’re also on their way to losing their free choice… Continue reading

Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans


In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading

Messages Through Numbers


Since 2010, people’s interest in numbers has gotten even stronger. I, myself, am noticing numbers that are virtually speaking to me every single day! I see 9:09, 8:08, 12:34, 12:12, 10:01, and all the triple numbers. Have you noticed them? Continue reading

Dealing With Psychic Attacks


Psychic Attacks are real, they can be harmful and hard to deal with…evil does exist, but there are things I can help you with to help you deal with these attacks so you can lead a healthier, happier life. Continue reading

Fight The Darkside


Would you believe, that while the world is apparently in upheaval and chaos, it is actually being brought into God’s order. This will not be the plan the dark side has had in mind Continue reading

Channelling Archangel Michael


These words of wisdom Archangel Michael spoke that day, a few years ago were so profound and important for the time we were going through, and are going through now, I have chosen to share this with you so his message can continue to spread and give you the hope and courage to continue forward in defeating the dark side. Continue reading

Fallen Angels


Who are the Angels that fell from Grace, and what led them to start an insurrection against God? Continue reading

Turmoil And Chaos


During these interesting times we’re living through, you may have found yourself more tuned into the guidance of God and Good Angels than you were previously. One thing I find very interesting is that many people have told me… Continue reading

Sacrifice of Incarnated Angels

The reason some of the angels incarnated as humans in the first place is because they were needed; so they volunteered to come here to help. Within the heavenly realm, everything is perfect, and the good angels who reside there have no desire to incarnate as humans, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of them have chosen to do so is because they were willing to make the sacrifice Continue reading