Tag Archives | Dark Side


Negative Entities Called Demonics

In a couple of my most recent blog posts, I talked about two types of negative entities that I clear out in the beginning of each and every Angel Reading I do… Discarnates and Separates.  In this blog post, I will write about yet another type of negative entity that I clear out as well […]

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Guilt Shame and Blame

Everybody has made mistakes in the past, and sometimes in remembering those mistakes, the tendency is to feel really badly…to feel guilt, shame or blame. But feeling badly isn’t necessary–as long as we learn from our mistakes and are willing to make important adjustments.

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Good vs Evil

Out in the universe, there are both good and bad entities. Not everything out there is good, as many are led to believe. In fact, although many have rejected classic models for good and bad adhered to by religions throughout the world, my feeling is that although some religions have twisted the truth and missed […]

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Control Your Life

The modern idea that everything that happens in your life is a product of YOUR creation is an irritatingly crazy-making concept that causes people to feel that whatever malady or oppressive situation they are faced with is ultimately their fault. From my experience, this sometimes works, but not always. Life is uncertain, no matter what […]

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Questions For ZARA

There are probably many questions that you would like to ask ZARA, but have never, or may never have the chance…these are some questions and answers that were asked of her during an inteview that might give you the understanding you are looking for.

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Understanding Dark Side

It would be wonderful to be able to truthfully say that the side of Light has already won all battles here on planet earth, but unfortunately, this is far from the case. In fact, those of us on the side of light have our work cut out for us. The Cosmic War, affecting the entire […]

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Evil doesn’t like good, they are the complete opposite. In the beginning, one-third of all the angels, became fallen angels, or demons, and became evil. In fact, that’s when evil initially came into being. An interesting fact worth noting is that e-v-i-l is actually l-i-v-e spelled backwards…significant because the angels who chose evil chose everything […]

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Angels on Earth

Over the past few years, many people from all over the world have awakened to the fact that they are really Incarnated Angels. Although they may not consciously have known before, because of an important energy shift currently taking place, God and good angels of the ethereal realm are waking some people up to their […]

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Reconnecting With Angels

The world started out very different from the way it is now. At one time in earth’s history, the energy on earth was lighter and had a much higher vibration. In fact, the difference was truly remarkable. Back then, everyone knew about and conversed with good Angels. But things changed….

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