Dark Side Attack

What is a Dark-Side Attack?


Today I’m going to begin a 3-part discussion about the Dark Side, and Dark-Side Attacks.

In my capacity as Angel-Reader and Spiritual Counselor, I often get calls from people who are under a spiritual attack. Although their descriptions vary, there is a common line that one can detect when paying attention. Some of the specifics I hear about involve several things in their lives going suddenly and radically askew. In today’s world, that seems to be happening a lot.

Examples may include:

  • LifesProblems-AngelReadingsByZARAlosing jobs
  • having an unusually difficult problem getting hired for a new job
  • suddenly being turned against by friends and family
  • health problems
  • financial problems
  • poltergeist activities in the house
  • and many others…  

Dark Side attacks often seem as if they happened naturally, and some problems do happen naturally; but sometimes, when a large number of problems get thrown at a person all at once, or in rapid sequence, that person may be under a dark side attack. In addition to ordinary things going awry, sometimes the dark-side attacks are obviously metaphysical in nature. Clients sometimes describe very weird situations, such as strange markings appearing on their walls, or on their bodies, and other poltergeist experiences such as objects inexplicably appearing and disappearing in their homes. 

While, of course, everyone can experience streaks of “bad luck” that are not literally caused by the “Dark-Side”, there are times when the series of events associated with the someone’s problems are not random, and in fact, are, in fact, caused by the Dark Side. In such cases, those people may actually be under a Dark-Side attack.  

What is the Dark-Side?

Today, many people are not aware that the “Dark-Side” even exists, and they do not necessarily understand the meaning behind the words, “dark side”, so I’m going to start with an explanation of what is truly meant by those words.

BeforeTheAngelsWereCeated-AngelReadingsByZARATo understand the “Dark-Side”, you need to understand the origin of Angels and human-kind. As I wrote about in a previous blog-post, in the beginning, All was God.  Later, God created Angels.

Eons passed, and eventually, humans were created. The Angels soon discovered how much God loved the humans and that He intended,(through devotion to Him and one-pointed, God-centered meditation), to give them the ability, to achieve higher states of consciousness which would allow them to potentially become Angel-like. Some of the Angels were jealous, created a division among Angels, which started a War in Heaven.  

The War I referred to above had many battles and skirmishes, and eventually the Angels that chose the side of the rebel group were kicked out of Heaven, and became what we now call Demons. Those demons, unfortunately are very powerful and knowing, know how to create darkside minions, and have created millions of them.

Altogether, the dark side demons and their minions form what we know as the Dark-Side. And these Beings, through the ages, continue the Cosmic War against God. Their agenda is to continually go after God’s children – the humans, particularly those who are in some way, deeply connected with the Good Angels and God’s Light.

Who does the Dark Side target?

LifeSeemsUnmanageable-AngelReadingsByZARAEveryone is subject to attacks and problems created by the Dark-Side. Much of the pain and suffering each and every one of us go through in our lives is created by the Dark-Side. We each need to learn how to deal with this throughout our lives.  

Yet, these normal kinds of problems that we all deal with on a routine basis are not the kinds of issues I’m highlighting herein. What I’m referring to in this blog post is something far more disturbing than everyday problems, and is directed to specific individuals and can cause their lives to be extremely difficult to the point of becoming unmanageable.

When a Dark-Side Attack is going on in your life, it’s difficult not to notice it. In fact, it can seem like a streak of bad luck, but the person attacked tends to get suspicious when the streak of bad luck continues far longer than could be written off as a mere coincidence.  

This brings up two questions…questions I will talk about in Parts 2 and 3 in my next blog posts.

  1. What do you do about a Dark-Side attack when it happens to you?
  2. How can you avoid Dark-Side attacks?

ZARAAngel.AngelReadingsByZARApngThrough Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness, no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or receive guidance for a happier more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me, and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.

Please Contact Me and call me at: (425) 741-9752


About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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