ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Happiness
Incarnated Angels Life Path

Question from client: “What I’ve personally noticed is that, like me, the other incarnated Angels I’ve spoken with don’t seem to have a particular interest in achieving goals related to worldly jobs, but rather I feel we are more left brained people. Due to this we often tend to feel useless or pointless. How would an Incarnated Angel tackle such issues? Continue reading
Spiritual Journey

I’ve have been blessed to have many Divine experiences in my lifetime…experiences that have shaped my life, helped bring me to the place where I am now, opened up my abilities and have given me a new closeness and understanding of God and the Divine. Continue reading
Believing In Angels

Hello Zara, I have a question…
You’re a highly Spiritual person, and a steadfast believer of Angels, and you also know how to perceive them, as well as communicate with them. What was the trigger that started you on this path? What were the experiences that have helped you fasten your faith so greatly?”
Continue reading
Guidance From Angels

I like to reflect upon my life, and what I do…I love people and I enjoy helping them and bringing them direction and guidance from the Angels. So I thought I would share with you a little of what I do and what about it makes me so happy…
Divine Cosmic Energy

One of the side benefits of linking up with cosmic energy is that it automatically helps you to get biologically younger, healthier, and stronger with every passing day, while at the same time you feel closer to the divine. A little known fact is that as human beings, we have the power to change the reality of our lives Continue reading
Angels Lead to Gratitude

One of the important things I’ve learned from working with the Angels in the Angel-Readings I do is that gratitude can help you get what you want out of life. Here is an example of how this works… Continue reading
Breathe Color

Two of the most essential elements of life are air and water. We cannot survive very long without either one. Most people do not drink enough water or get enough fresh air. Simply increasing both will boost your overall energy levels. We can also use both air and water in color therapy to assist the body in healing itself of various conditions. Continue reading
Finding Your Purpose

As we approach a new year, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about getting in touch with who you really are, your life purpose, and what life is really about. Continue reading
First Angel Readings

There was no such thing as Angel Readings before I started doing them in 1996. By that time in my life, many of my decisions were being directed by Angels, and instead of simply doing “psychic readings”, I felt it was very important to give the credit where credit was due. It was the good Angels, particularly Archangel Michael, that I was working with who gave me the answers to give my clients. Continue reading
Discoveries of an Angel Reader

Over 25 years ago, in 1996, I was contacted by Archangel Michael while doing Psychic Readings in greater Seattle. As Archangel Michael’s presence filled the room, he told me he was working with me and that as the future unfolded, I would be helping people discover who they are on a soul level and would help them understand and sort out their problems and this is exactly what has happened. Continue reading
Angels Message

True Light workers are motivated very differently from other people. They workers are actually Angels who have incarnated here on Earth to help. They came here originally to help Spirit, to bring you a message, and to be an example for the humans, so that humans would not have to be here alone. Continue reading
Finding Life Purpose Part 2

Finding your life’s purpose is one of the most important things you can do in this life, for you, for those around you and for Spirit. This last of the 4 steps to finding your purpose is possibly the most important step, one you should definitely not ignore. Continue reading
Finding Life Purpose

Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is of the utmost importance. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose. Have you discovered what your is and how to fulfill it? Continue reading
Healing With Crystals

We are living in a very stressful time, and our bodies and our emotions are having a hard time coping with the resultant continual pressure. We need to heal. Fortunately, crystals, created by God, and programmed by angels of light, have numerous blessings to share. Continue reading
Angels Health Advice

With the Angels’ assistance, I’ve been on a major campaign to improve my health, and since it seems to be working, I want to share some of what I’ve learned with you. My intention is to inspire you to make changes in your lifestyle and improve your health. Continue reading
Feeling Gratitude

I’ve noticed that people often think about problems in life, and what they’d like to change. But how often do we stop and feel gratitude and think about how lucky we are to have what we already have? Continue reading
Angels Help Achieve Goals

Angels reveal that a major step in accomplishing your worthwhile goals is to ask Spirit for assistance. “Ask and ye shall receive…” But before you can ask for what you want, you’ve got to know what you want first. How can you prepare to ask for assistance?
So right now, imagine… What is it that you really want? Is it a wonderful relationship, a great job, a comfortable lifestyle, a strong feeling of purpose? You need to identify it if you want to receive it.
Chances are you have at least some idea of what you want, but it helps if you can be specific. Angels want to bring you what you want Continue reading