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Spiritualist Testimonial
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Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Good
War Between Good And Evil

We are living through what I believe is the most momentous time in human history—when the biggest war of all time, between good and evil, is not only happening but is about to culminate… Continue reading
Good and Bad Angels

Good Angels have always been involved with the earth and helping humanity as long as there have been people. But there are bad angels who are out to destroy us….
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Angels Incarnate To Earth

It’s important to know if you are an Incarnated Angel. To me, the main reason it is helpful to know is because, you can then understand yourself better, and you can find and get into your true purpose for being here on Earth more easily. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels vs the Dark Side

Over the last many centuries, Incarnated Angels have come to earth through the normal process of birth for the express purpose of being a positive influence on humanity. While Incarnated Angels are indeed human, they actually have a different origin from regular people. Most people were created as humans from their beginning, but the ones I call Incarnated Angels were originally created as Angels, before ever incarnating as humans. Continue reading
Speaking Truth

One of the things good people and incarnated angels have in common is that they often look at the way the world is now being run, and feel that the world is in such a sorry condition, that we do not belong here. Continue reading
Fallen Angels

Who are the Angels that fell from Grace, and what led them to start an insurrection against God? Continue reading
Believe In Angels

Archangel Michael wants us to know that he and the Angels are here to help, that humans are not alone…this is the story of how they helped me one dark rainy night… Continue reading
Focus On Blessings

One of the things I have noticed about humanity is that every single person has problems. This is normal, and to be expected. Such is the nature of life. Here is the best way we can deal with those problems… Continue reading
Angels Good and Bad

The only Angels I care to deal with are good Angels. I stay away from the bad ones, and I absolutely do not allow bad angels to influence my Readings. Continue reading
Guilt Shame and Blame

Everybody has made mistakes in the past, and sometimes in remembering those mistakes, the tendency is to feel really badly…to feel guilt, shame or blame. But feeling badly isn’t necessary–as long as we learn from our mistakes and are willing to make important adjustments. Continue reading
Good vs Evil

Out in the universe, there are both good and bad entities. Not everything out there is good, as many are led to believe. In fact, although many have rejected classic models for good and bad adhered to by religions throughout the world, my feeling is that although some religions have twisted the truth and missed the point, there is still a great deal of truth within certain religions. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Act Intuitively

Many clients who come to me for Angel Readings begin by mentioning that they’ve just realized that they are either an Incarnated Angel or an Earth Angel, (which are actually two different designations for the same phenomenon), and they want to know what to do to fulfill their purpose. Continue reading