Tag Archives | Angel Advocate


Angel Advocate

I’m a professional Psychic/Angel Reader and Angel Advocate. In 1996, while doing a reading for a client, Archangel Michael told me that the client I was doing a reading for at that moment was really an Incarnated Angel, and he gave me several messages about her.

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Need for Incarnated Angels

Why do we have a need for Incarnated Angels on the earth? “They are the Teachers, the Healers, the Philosophers, the ones who brought in all harmonious art and music for the world to enjoy.” Many well-known people were and are Incarnated Angels…

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ZARA Angel

Who is ZARA Angel? ZARA has always been aware of angels and was aware of her spiritual gifts as a young child. She was so intuitive that if she was in a room with more than one grown-up… “it was very disconcerting, I could hear all their thoughts!” she describes.

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Good Angels Incarnate

Working directly with Archangel Michael in 1996, I received the message that some good angels incarnate as humans, and through his direction, I brought in the concept that good angels can incarnate as humans. Here is my updated vintage article, first published in 1998 as “Victory of the Angels”, that first began the conversation that […]

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Angel Reader

I’m an Angel Reader. One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years.

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