Tag Archives: Truth

True Incarnated Angels

True Incarnated Angels do not need to think they are somebody famous. They may realize the importance of their mission, but they’re not particularly interested in stroking their ego, and they don’t claim to be any of the archangels. In other words, there’s a big difference between true Incarnated Angels and deluded individuals. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Identity


Question From Client: “Why is it that Incarnated Angels don’t know their true identity, that they are Angels, from birth, with an exception of few?” Here is my explanation… Continue reading

Reconnecting With Angels


The world started out very different from the way it is now. At one time in earth’s history, the energy on earth was lighter and had a much higher vibration. In fact, the difference was truly remarkable. Back then, everyone knew about and conversed with good Angels. But things changed…. Continue reading

Era Of Truth


As the earth leaves the Age of Pisces and enters the Age of Aquarius, we are now heading into an era of Truth. Truth is always important, even when it’s uncomfortable. Continue reading

Angels Incarnate To Earth


It’s important to know if you are an Incarnated Angel. To me, the main reason it is helpful to know is because, you can then understand yourself better, and you can find and get into your true purpose for being here on Earth more easily. Continue reading

Akashic Records and Truth


Tapping into the Akashic records, and getting the Truth according to the Angels can be incredibly, healthfully life-transforming. It comes across as an incredible miracle when a person, having been depressed by heavy abusive experience, suddenly experiences Angelic vindication. When they hear their own story—spoken from the Angelic view-point—they begin to realize that the Truth they knew in the first place was recorded by the Angels as it actually occurred. Then they can begin to regain their dignity, and, with the assistance of the Angels, they are ready to heal. As I do Angelic healing and therapeutic counseling, I find many whose lives have been immeasurably harmed by the lies and conscious manipulations of others. Sometimes they have lived in torment for many years. Continue reading

Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans


In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading

Speaking Truth


One of the things good people and incarnated angels have in common is that they often look at the way the world is now being run, and feel that the world is in such a sorry condition, that we do not belong here. Continue reading

Choose Darkness Or Light


As most people are coming to realize, we are now in a time of great change. But which way things ultimately go—whether in the direction of darkness or light—is up to us. Continue reading

Reality Shifts


Some people believe that either reality or our concept of reality is shifting. Is it even possible for reality to shift or change? This is what I know… Continue reading

Role of Incarnated Angels


Since 1996, I have been working through articles, lectures, and one-on-one therapeutic sessions to share important, completely accurate information concerning what Incarnated Angels are, how they can recognize and understand themselves, and how, from that point, they can proceed successfully in their life’s journey. Continue reading

Spiritual Integrity


Spiritual Integrity consists of searching for Truth, willingness to recognize truth when it presents itself to you in its various aspects, and genuinely living Truth to the best of your ability, regardless of the opinions of others. In this way, whether you join a spiritual organization or not, you retain your individuality, and your ability and willingness to think. How can you exhibit spiritual willingness?

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Incarnated Angels Seek Truth


I have stated many times that we Incarnated Angels are here on earth to do our Angel work—to tell the Truth about what we see, and to do our best to make a positive difference. It may be difficult, but we need to do it. Here is the challenge… Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Misconceptions


What are the misconceptions about Incarnated Angels, and what are the things Incarnated Angels themselves don’t understand about who they are? Continue reading

Control Your Life


The modern idea that everything that happens in your life is a product of YOUR creation is an irritatingly crazy-making concept that causes people to feel that whatever malady or oppressive situation they are faced with is ultimately their fault. From my experience, this sometimes works, but not always. Life is uncertain, no matter what you think or do, so are you in total control? Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Humanity


Incarnated Angels are actually good angels from on high who have incarnated into a human body for the specific purpose of helping God by doing their best to positively influence the earth and humanity…this is how important their work is… Continue reading

Divine Purpose of Incarnated Angels

The Incarnated Angels came to earth for a reason. Their reason for coming here was part of a Divine Purpose that is very important. Yet most of the Incarnated Angels, not only do not know what their purpose is, they also do not even know that they are Incarnated Angels! Continue reading