I just want to say thank you for everything. You’ve helped change my life with your divine guidance received from God. All the Glory to God! It’s still beautiful and crazy to know that I am a Seraphim and Thrones angel. It gives me a sense of purpose to figure out who I am and why I act a certain way because of my divine nature. I have a peace knowing I am God’s divine helper. I have hope knowing He will always provide for me so I can accomplish His will on this earth. I thank you from my heart, from one Angel to another, for being God’s vessel.” —Aliesana Sandoval, Colorado

“I’ve had 10 sessions with Zara in the past 6 months. These sessions have been a combination of simply talking to a trusted soul and receiving invaluable advice with an alternate perspective from a gentle sage sounding board. I had searched within me for some answers for along time – it was so helpful and insightful to obtain a higher yet practical viewpoint thru Zara. The “clearings” during and after the sessions were a divine gift – blocks were released, inspiration flowed, purpose became clearer. Thank you. Very grateful.– Adrienne Nielsen, Pittsburg, PA


“I met ZARA over 10 years ago. I was at a point in my life where I felt I had lost so much and was searching for someone to help me find the answers. My first Angel Reading with ZARA was the day my life changed forever. She has been such an inspiration and has helped me successfully work through so many life issues. She is a blessing in my life. Through her guidance, I have a deeper connection with the spirit world and now understand my purpose here on earth. I feel my heart has healed and for that, I am very grateful the angels brought her to me.” Karie T.     Seattle, WA     10/29/2012


For 20 years my life has been full of fear, depression and anxiety. That is until I talked with ZARA. I got my angel reading from her 2 weeks ago, and ever since I have felt such a peace and happiness that I have never felt before. I truly feel the angels of light with me all the time now. I feel so full of love and I have so much love for everyone around me. I have another angel reading scheduled with her in a few days and I can hardly wait. She is a true Angel!  It is so wonderful to realize that I have an amazing purpose for my life. I recommend that everyone talk to ZARA. She is truly Archangel Michael’s medium. She is so full of love, warm, and kindness. Thank you so much Zara! You can’t believe how much you have helped me. What a wonderful soul you are to help so many people. You are an example for us all. The world needs more people like you.  Penny Truman  12/30/2012


Hi  ZARA,   I just wanted to let you know that I just read an Internet article that you wrote on incarnated angels. I feel like an incarnated angel, but I always had doubts because I read about “overweight, blue eyes, blonde hair. ” I always felt that those remarks were slightly racist, and you are the only other person who has voiced the same concern. I feel like one of my children is a crystal child, but I shrugged it off because that same author, in another book, said that crystals ALL have fair skin and light eyes.  I’m black–my children are black–I felt left out by the Universe, somehow. When I read your article, tears came to my eyes. THANK YOU!!! I have so much love and appreciation for you. I will be scheduling a reading with you, later this week. And I can’t wait for your book. THANK YOU again.
With love,   Brandi       12/20/2012


“Wow! That about sums it up! Just WOW! ZARA’s Angel Reading helped me to make a decision about a business opportunity that I was struggling with. She explained to me that opportunity was inspired and that I would be very successful at it.

I immediately jumped in feet first. I am so glad that I did! It has changed my life! Not only has she helped kick start my career, she has opened my eyes to my family. I understand my daughters and husband so much more because of her Angel Readings. I have been given insight into their souls and that is priceless to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed ZARA’s Angel Readings and I plan to continue speaking with her in the future. She is truly a godsend! Thank you ZARA!!! ”    Celeste S.      New Orleans, LA      10/29/2012


“My Angel Readings with ZARA have far surpassed all of my expectations. She is without a doubt a gifted psychic but what makes her readings so special is her genuine counseling ability. She provides a calming, soothing and comforting energy even through the telephone or Skype. If you are looking for validation, direction or answers to any questions in your life, ZARA is definitely the person to help. As a very logical law student, I was pretty skeptical of ZARA at first, but after a few minutes of speaking with her, I knew that she was the real deal!”    CEC   Lubbock, Texas    10/28/2012


“Excellent is the word for ZARA and her Angel Readings.  I could not believe how amazing she was.  Trust me on this because when I came in, I purposefully gave her no information at all.  I just gave her the names and left it on her to pick up everything, and my goodness I was surprised when ZARA was able to pick up so much as it was.  Now isn’t that what a real psychic is?  

ZARA was extremely specific about how things were going on.  And the part that impressed me the most was the fact that she was able to differentiate people’s energy.  I asked her about two men, and I was expecting, as it happens with most other psychics, that she would mix the energies, especially when no prior information was given to her, but OMG she picked it up accurate on the two separately.  

She was able to even describe things which only I would know.  No general information, which is very safe to give.  That gave me the confirmation that I was in the right place.  

How the predictions come to pass, that only time will tell, but I definitely have clarity.  I have came back to her again for another Angel Reading and I would love to stay in touch always.  She is coming in person near my area, and I’m pretty excited to meet her in person and seek her guidance.  It is wonderful knowing you.  Thanks a lot!”    Nicky   from India    11/01/2012


ZARA,   The last reading you gave me brought me a deep sense of calmness, clarity and relief, and it left me in awe. I was amazed as you homed right in on deep issues that are most important to me without my giving you so much as a hint. What you said about family members was exactly right, as was everything else you said, and it was very cool. Again, thank you so very much.” Victoria Peterson, Seattle WA


When I first met ZARA I was broken, unhappy and in pain. Now I feel solid and in my power, and I’m excited about my future and all that it will bring. ZARA, you are an amazing woman.  Thank you for my life back.”         Karen Berry,   Edmonds, WA


Even from a distance, ZARA answers pertinent questions, and gives important guidance with fine-tuned accuracy.  She cleanses your aura while she feeds your soul.” Anne Bolton,  Boston MA


ZARA, I want to express my gratitude for the beautiful changes in my family.  We are closer, happier, and treat one another with respect and compassion—two qualities which were not there before.

When I first called you I said I needed a ton of grief handled.  Regarding my beloved husband, you handled my biggest grief issue for 22 years, and you helped him so very much.  Another improvement you facilitated is that my three daughters are now fun to be around.

Since having readings with you and coming to your classes I find myself laughing a lot—whistling, humming and experiencing two things I’d almost forgotten…Happiness and that elusive thing called Joy!

Some time back I looked up “joy” in the dictionary because all the spiritual books I read refer to that word, and I remember feeling angry because I couldn’t have it.  Now I actually feel it.  I feel JOY!

Five people in my family are seeing ZARA…How lucky can I be?  I don’t know, but now that I feel better about myself than before, I feel I deserve joy.

ZARA, when God bestowed you with the gifts you have and the angels came forward to back you up, they chose well.  You have used these gifts to help so many.

Know these blessings will always come back to you.

We love you,

Betty Hall and family


“It is with deep gratitude that I recommend ZARA’s counsel & wise guidance. I have found her skill, loving compassion and astonishing insight to be of real and lasting value in my own journey.  Even over the phone, she is able to connect with what is most salient in the moment and weave it into a comprehensive life-tapestry.  ZARA has helped me begin to clear a path that is leading to my Divine Purpose.” Jennifer Howell,  Baltimore MD


“You helped me to realize that I could do more for God if I could feel comfortable where I am.  Now I can express myself as I am.  I can carry God with me w“I am a licensed acupuncturist and I have sent many of my patients to ZARA because she can help them in  many areas that I am simply unable to reach.  Her work provides an incredible environment in which to heal.  She offers one of the most advanced integrated healing systems available.wherever I go, because I’ll always have him with me.”      Rick Stanley,  Lynnwood, WA


Her work provides something that is rare: she aligns each person with the highest aspect of their soul and then identifies any negativity that may be interfering with their potential!

She then quite professionally breaks these negative patterns and thus frees up this energy for healing to occur.  She is a top rate psychic detective.

Her work is precise and accurate and she is always able to uncover the most relevant issue and not only shed light on the problem but actually find ways to solve it with great guidance.

She is a joy to work with, and we are all so lucky to have her in our midst.   ZARA’s work complements all health care modalities.  Her work is extremely valuable

Sue Wadden,  Seattle, WA


Thank you so much for your help ZARA. Now, due to your help, things are progressing in a way that is satisfactory to me in every way. I’m so glad I listened to you! I feel a lifting all around me. You helped to me get rid of the label of being the bad one in the family, while  my sister who did many mean things was always labeled as the good one.

With that cleared, a freedom opened up for me.  I don’t feel guilty anymore! I feel the burgeoning of self-respect, as if all of my molecules were re-organizing themselves into a taller self.  Have a beautiful day, Love and hugs,

Nancy Gallaway,  Bellevue WA


Dear ZARA,    Maury and I would like to say thank you in writing.  Thank you for sharing your professional skills and talents to help bring us to a happier place.  By providing a safe place for us to openly discuss the past and the present, we feel there is a more positive future for our relationship with Julie and her boys.

Everyone needs to be heard.  Thank you for guiding us through the telling, the hearing, and to an understanding of how each of us can live the same experience, yet see it so differently. I was so pleased to have eventually been included. It was important that Julie and I clear up some misconceptions, apologize for some past behaviors and come to a place of real acceptance.  I am particularly grateful that you have been able to help Julie gain the confidence to become the incredible individual we knew she could be.

For me, the biggest lesson has been that I should never say something about someone that I would not say to someone.  Also, if I hear something about someone and wonder if it is true, perhaps, I should ask them.  You and Julie have made me wiser, and I am grateful.  I have never felt more accepted and loved.

As much as anything, Maury feels he has gained access to his daughter.  Although he came reluctantly, he is grateful that Julie’s persistence and your facilitating skills have provided us a sense of family, something, it appears, Julie has always wanted.

We have more work to do, but know that you can take us where we need to go.

Sincerely,     Maury & Donna Hood,  Oak Harbor WA


Through taking a class with ZARA, I learned to understand the traditions of my   own tribe.   I also learned to understand the spiritual aspects of my people more deeply.  Thank you ZARA.              Eleanor Nielsen,  Tulalip Tribal Elder ,  Tulalip Reservation WA


“ZARA, thank you for all the work you have done as a Reader to help me grow. You are the greatest  inspiration of my life.             Pamela Smith, St. Louis Park, MN


When I first went to see ZARA, my life wasn’t all it could have been.  Let’s be honest—it was a mess.  Working nonstop and never getting things done.  Unhappy at home.  Feeling totally unappreciated.

ZARA changed all that.  At each session, ZARA explained, we work on what needs to be worked on at that moment.  Life got better.  Crises got further and further apart.

She created miracles in my life.  With each new situation and each new crisis, I’ve been amazed by her understanding and compassion as she assists me in finding my lost focus.  Life is now better that I ever imagined, and I know it’s only going to get better because I know to return to ZARA to work on the new stuff that comes up and needs additional clearing.

Benjamin Cruthers,  Seattle, WA


The first time I ever had a reading with you, it was the most incredible experience I ever had.  The information that you provided me was so moving… I just was so touched by the accuracy of the things you said to me.  It helped me to make some changes that I needed to make.  For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel like I was the one who was crazy.  It inspired me to be and live who and what I am.

Tammy Beedle,  Everett, WA


I feel more peaceful than ever.  I feel my mind, body and spirit as one.  I’m really peaceful—really peaceful, like a thousand tons have been lifted off my shoulders.

Tony Huynh,  West Seattle, WA


ZARA, I want you to know that I really appreciate you.  I have gone through my entire life believing that I was just average, and now I realize that I am special and gifted.  I never thought that I was really like other people, but my mom and other people kept telling me that I was just average, so I believed them.  Now I know that I have special abilities, and that I am going to do something important in my life.

Karie Roberts, MA,  Professional Counselor,  Lynnwood, WA


ZARA, at certain times you had a very bright glowing white light around you.  With your hands folded on your chest, and your head slightly bowed, you looked like mother Mary.

Eunice Bliss,  Denver, Colorado


I have daily, sometimes moment to moment conversations with the angels now.  Before, I knew they existed, but now I interact with them and find joy in the moments that I never even recognized before…those places in time when pure Love is all that is…

Erin L. Storey,  Seattle, WA


Thank you ZARA for making me feel better again and helping me with my life.  Also, thank you for giving me the direction I need to connect with the angels.    Love,

Tami Silicio,  Everett, WA


I just want to thank you for my first reading, and tell you how much I look forward to my next appointment with you.      Lauriel San Filippe,  Santa Rosa, California


Thank you for helping me through this difficult time.  I am really in need of spiritual guidance and clarity, and you are such a good channel.  I’ll look forward to seeing you soon for our next appointment.

Lori  Helman ,  Bainbridge Island WA


You are so talented.  Thank you for helping me organize my life and stay calm.

Kristina Donner,  Monroe, WA


Thank you so much for blessing me with your talent, genius and special gift.  I truly do not know what I would have done for the rest of my life if I had not met you.  You are so nice, friendly and sweet, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart…

Joy M. Bauck,   Bellevue, WA


It is with deep gratitude that I recommend ZARA’s counsel and wise guidance.  I have found her skill, loving compassion and astonishing insight to be of real and lasting value in my own journey.  She is able to connect with what is most salient in the moment and weave it into a comprehensive life-tapestry.  ZARA has helped me begin to clear a path that is leading to my Divine Purpose.

Mariah,  Pittsfield, Massachusetts


ZARA, you are the most important person EVER to have entered my life.  Your inspiring guidance has brought me to such a deeper and more meaningful place than I could have imagined for myself and I thank you with my whole heart and soul.

Susan Wadell,  Seattle, Washington


ZARA, thank you for helping me understand my life.

Lynn Johnston,  Shoreline, WA


Thank you for meeting with me and giving me such a wonderful reading.  I was leading myself (via guides) to you that day, and you were amazing/ fantastic/ inspirational/ a friend!

Susan Burdick,  Seattle, WA


Thank you for the awesome reading.  I feel empowered and received lots of confirmation.  I feel that you just keep getting better at using your gifts.  I am always amazed and grateful.  With all my questions answered and my future looking bright, I shall proceed merrily on my path.

Gina Garrett,   Albuerque, New Mexico


You helped me remember that I am a Light Worker.  You validated my light-being status…The readings and clearings allowed me to look at myself and appreciate what you and others see, and what I’ve accomplished.  I don’t need so much outside validation anymore.  Now I can validate myself.

Halima Moyen,  Bellevue, WA


My meeting with ZARA felt like I had been waiting my entire life for this kind of sensitivity and understanding and acknowledgment of the light within.  It felt like coming home.  It is almost like an ancient memory of power of truth in love.  It was like I drank it…

From this point, I feel I can now go back into my life and deal with it differently—from a new perspective.I feel that the understanding I gained from ZARA’s reading validates my past…

Karen Lowery,  Ballard, WA


Ordinary people feeling heavy, troubled, living with their problems come to ZARA, recognizing her goodness, for “a reading and clearing”.

During the psychic reading, as she is clearing the causes of the problems, ZARA assists you in connecting with your True Self, your High Self/Angelic Self, which, having a higher spiritual frequency, already knows what to do.

After my first session with ZARA, I walked out as though I were walking on air, feeling lighter, transformed somehow, and with a deep inner knowing of who I really am, and what I needed to do.

Of course I recommend her to all my friends, and if you are having problems and life is getting you down, you owe it to yourself to call ZARA and feel better.

Sarah Goldberg ,  Mill Creek, WA


ZARA, you helped me to feel good about myself and like myself. You boosted my self-esteem.  You helped me to not feel guilty all the time.

You helped me to recognize other people’s “patterns”, “agendas” and “programs”, and to understand that not everything was all about me.

You helped me to make better decisions and feel confident about those decisions, knowing that I was not responsible for other people’s destiny and choices.

You helped me to let go of an abusive ex-husband, and, when my older children continuously exemplified the abusive patterns of their father, you helped me to learn to effectively stand up against their abusive behavior.

You helped me make the decision to get my youngest son back, a choice which has given me endless joy.

You have helped me make much better decisions about what kind of people to associate with.  You helped me to comprehend the “patterns” of my birth family, and to get rid of feelings of shame and guilt.

You have helped me get rid of the worries and frustrations that were blocking me, and as a result, I am now moving towards economic freedom.

You have given me the hope that I shall be able to do things that I love once again, for example, Astrology and music.  I am already dancing, working out, and attending ZARA’s spiritual class–which renews my hopes and faith weekly.

With your psychic ability, you have helped me find a beautiful place to live where I can have peace.  You have taught me how to meditate, and you are the first person who has ever talked to me about God who sounds like “truth”, something I have been looking for my whole life.

In short, ZARA, you have done nothing less than free me from what looked like a hopeless three-dimensional web of oppression , and begin a life full of joy and hope.

With sincerest love and gratitude,      Julie Molina,  Lynnwood WA


I just feel so much better—lighter.  It’s like all the problems I had are not as real as they were last week.        Cindy S.,  Tacoma, WA


Thank you for being there for all of us.

Virginia Vanaya,   Langley, WA


ZARA,     The Past Life Regression you did for the local chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists was very elegantly done.  I didn’t expect it to work on me, yet I experienced three past lives. I understand my relationship with my wife much better now and my stress levels are way down. Working in front of 75 professionals, all analyzing your work while you are doing it can’t be easy, but you did a beautiful job.

Thank you,      Don Brooks CHt,   Tacoma WA


Dear ZARA,   The Tarot class was really fantastic, and I had a wonderful time.

Stephen Bernard,  Kelso WA


Dear ZARA,      I loved your Reiki class! It was beautiful and pure Reiki from an angel. You made Reiki remarkably comfortable and easy to understand, and the pace of the day was very relaxed, yet well structured.  I loved the meditations!   They felt magical.

I feel more ready to attune other people now than I have ever felt before, even though I’ve had several Master Classes in the past, and feel great joy at the prospect of doing so.

Michael’s presentation was incredibly humorous and helpful, especially to dispel the fears that surround the practicing of Reiki on others in the real world.   Thank you for a wonderful day!

Love,   Cathy Donovan,   Reiki Master,   Vancouver CANADA


“The class was  great…very spiritual, informative and uplifting.  It is obvious ZARA is directed by the Angels in all that she does.”

Loretta Brown,   The Reiki  Oasis,  Bellevue WA


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