Tag Archives: Communication

Guidance From Angels


I like to reflect upon my life, and what I do…I love people and I enjoy helping them and bringing them direction and guidance from the Angels. So I thought I would share with you a little of what I do and what about it makes me so happy…

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Interacting With Angels


Question Sent In By Client: What do you recommend others do in order to experience a tangible and prominent change, and how to vividly communicate with  the Angels and the Archangels?” See what my answer is… Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Life


In the Bible, Jesus taught the crowds with parables. A method of teaching with stories that contain lessons. He did this because it teaches in an easy to understand way. Can this work for Incarnated Angels too? Continue reading

Angel Reading Help


When people come to me for their first Angel Reading, I often ask them what it was that got them to contact me in the first place. Some of their answers have really surprised me… Continue reading

Hearing The Messages From Angels


This is a very exciting time – a time when more and more people believe in angels and are open to their guidance. This is the reason I do my readings…because the angels have messages for many people. The problem is that because most people cannot hear their subtle voices, they need to go through someone who can hear the angels, and that someone is me. Continue reading

Communicate with Angels


Many people think about angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, is there something they would like to tell them. Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them. Continue reading

Angel Numbers


The best way to become aware of your Guardian Angels is to talk to them. They may be invisible, but they still hear you. And when you talk to them, they will respond, and their responses will increase your faith in the reality of your Guardian Angels.

The Guardian Angels might respond by causing you to notice repeating numbers. Continue reading

Amazing Spiritual Journey


My Amazing Spiritual Journey Being an Angel Reader has been interesting, fascinating and fun. I enjoy talking to people and sharing information given to me by the Angels. I watch how this work helps so many people and changes their … Continue reading

Jumping to Conclusions


First…why do people jump to conclusions? In my work with God and Angels in the Angel Readings I do, I’ve realized that people’s minds are geared to putting parts of things together to make a whole. We do this in an attempt to understand our environment, to keep ourselves safe, and to make sense of things around us. Continue reading

Turmoil And Chaos


During these interesting times we’re living through, you may have found yourself more tuned into the guidance of God and Good Angels than you were previously. One thing I find very interesting is that many people have told me… Continue reading

Connecting With Angels


The most important connection any of us can make in life is our connection with angels. Some people want to get to God directly through meditation and prayer, but from my experience, prayer and meditation lead directly to a connection with angels, which then leads us to God. This is because angels are intermediaries to God, and when you pray and meditate, they listen, respond and sometimes intercede. Continue reading

Meaning Of Repeating Numbers


Karen looked at the digital clock in her car as she started to drive to her mom’s house. It was 11:11. “How odd”, she thought. “Last night, when I was getting ready for bed, I saw those same numbers on the digital clock in my bedroom.” What could bethe meaning of this? Continue reading

Experience The Angels


Many attest that their lives have been blessed by Angels. There are books and stories about such facts. Though wonderful and inspiring, these books and stories are, they are about the author’s experiences, not your own. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to experience your own time with Angels. Continue reading

Guardian Angel Protection


Yes, Guardian Angels love and protect, but they seldom interfere. Because they understand that people have free will, they try to influence people, but they do not force. They use positive, healing thoughts to subtly influence whomever they’re assigned to Continue reading

Angels Good and Bad

The only Angels I care to deal with are good Angels. I stay away from the bad ones, and I absolutely do not allow bad angels to influence my Readings. Continue reading

Archangel Michael and Incarnated Angels


Every Incarnated Angel/Earth Angel has a connection with Archangel Michael. Over the past many years, I have talked to numerous clients who said that they felt very close to him and that many times, they could feel his presence. Continue reading

Talk to the Angels


If you could talk to good angels, what would they say to you…would they tell you you’re doing great, or that you need to make some changes? If you want to commune with the angels, you need to prepare yourself, here are some ideas that will help open the lines of communication… Continue reading

Archangel Michaels Insights Part 2


This is the continuation and final part of this article…

Archangel Michael came through in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers on several important topics. These insights were recorded by J.M. Continue reading

Online Psychic Angel Readings


Over the last several years, as clients call or write to schedule their Psychic Angel Readings with me, increasingly more of them want their Angel Readings over Skype, Google Hang-Outs or GoToMeeting.com. I’m more than willing to accommodate their needs, and in doing so, I’ve discovered that modern day videoconferencing is an excellent way to carry out my very practical and spiritual Psychic Angel Reading sessions, and here is further information to help you consider having your next Psychic Angel Reading over videoconferencing. Continue reading