Communicate with Angels

How To Prepare To Communicate With The Angels

If you have trouble hearing an Angel’s voice with your ears, try listening with your heart.” -Terri Guillemets

AngelsExist-AngelReadingsByZARAMany people think about Angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, then they wonder if there is something the Angels would like to tell them.

And yes, it is true–Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them, and you can learn how by using the simple steps I’ve outlined below. You will find that the benefits and rewards will be enormous.

Through the Angels’ counsel, you can learn to solve many of the problems that have been bothering you, and you can help you live a happier and more meaningful life than ever before. In fact, communing with Angels of goodness can help you change your life remarkably—definitely for the better.

My relationship with the Angels…

AngelsInTheHome-AngelReadingsByZARAFrom my personal standpoint, I know Angels are real, because I communicate with them daily. Since I believe in and love them, I have decorative angels in my home throughout the year, which reminds me to stop what I’m doing, close my eyes and communicate with them several times each day. Doing this helps me to have a close relationship with the Angels and has helped me to avoid many mistakes in life, and has helped me to make positive, beneficial choices instead.

When I communicate with the Angels, I tell them that I love and value their guidance and that I appreciate their influence in my life. Then I ask a question about something that has been on my mind and wait–definitely expecting a response from the them. When the answer comes, it comes either as a symbol, or an auditory message, or sometimes both, and the answers the Angels give me help me in every aspect of my life. And for this I am very appreciative.

If you would like to communicate with Angels directly, the first thing you need to be aware of is that Angels are attracted to vibrations of love, harmony and peace. Developing those qualities within your heart and mind helps to attract them. It will be important for you to pay close attention to subtleties, because vibrations from angels are subtle. Then the love you feel, combined with your willingness to be patient will open your heart and help make you ready for Angels to commune with you directly.

Practical ways to prepare to communicate with Angels

Have a journal and a pen or pencil ready before you start.


  1. PlaceToCommune-AngelReadingsByZARAFind a quiet place where you will not be disturbed where you can commune with the Angels daily.
  2. Choose a regular time to meditate for at least a half-hour each day. This meditation will strengthen your aura and help prepare you to call in Angels.
  3. Begin with a prayer of protection, and ask the Angels to guide you.
  4. Take a few deep breaths and relax.
  5. Meditate on the Divine.
  6. After meditation, sit quietly, asking the Angels of Light to come into your life and bring you helpful messages.
  7. Pay close attention to subtle thoughts and impressions that spring forth.
  8. Check with your heart to see whether those thoughts and impressions are coming from love.
  9. Write down all thoughts and impressions that come from love.
  10. Give thanks.
  11. Choose each day to actively follow the guidance you have received from the loving messages you have written in your Angel journal.

When you practice this daily, in time, you will get positive results. The Angels are here to help you, and they want to communicate with you. When you regularly do your part, they will help you. Success will be there for you. Of course, it is important for you to be consistent. Their part, then, will be to communicate with you the moment they are ready.

Once your communication with Angels begins, as long as you maintain a peaceful and loving attitude, your Angel-communion will continually become stronger. Then, through Angel insight and communication, you will discover the benefits of having a richer and fuller life. You will also experience more joy, more love and greater peace within your being than ever before.

Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752


About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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