ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Love
Are You An Incarnated Angel

I help Incarnated Angels, Earth Angels and Angels Incarnate as Humans discover not only exactly who they are, but also their purpose on earth. This is very important because before they know their purpose, they often feel like a ship without a rudder. After they know and understand their purpose, they feel positive. They feel better. They feel energized…and they feel Angelically directed. Continue reading
Communication With Angels

One of the things I teach is that Angels are real. I can teach this because I’ve seen proof. They’re with us everyday. They’re not just with me, they’re with you. And one of the things people have often asked me is how they can learn to commune with Angels.
Wisdom From Buddha

In a very spiritual experience I had once, Buddha came to me unexpectedly one afternoon. Astonished, I felt his presence a couple feet to my right, and as I adjusted to his being there, he explained that his teachings have been changed over time. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Love

As Angels incarnating as humans, it is especially important for you to love one another. Love is the key.
But how do you do that when others have wronged you? Continue reading
Understanding Incarnated Angels

Are Incarnated Angels super-powerful?
Does being an Incarnated Angel mean that you know more than others?
Is “angels incarnating as humans” a phenomenon that started recently–say in the 1970’s?
How many incarnated angels are presently on the earth?
Continue reading
Path To God

For those who want to live their lives doing good works and helping others, I’ve got news for you… Continue reading
Channelling Archangel Michael

These words of wisdom Archangel Michael spoke that day, a few years ago were so profound and important for the time we were going through, and are going through now, I have chosen to share this with you so his message can continue to spread and give you the hope and courage to continue forward in defeating the dark side. Continue reading
Believe In Angels

Archangel Michael wants us to know that he and the Angels are here to help, that humans are not alone…this is the story of how they helped me one dark rainy night… Continue reading