ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Spiritual Counseling
Find Spiritual Counselor

Some Spiritual Counselors and other health practitioners are deeply and fully committed to working on the side of good, as am I, and that type of commitment attracts good Angels, and repels the bad ones. But others aren’t as careful…how do you find the right one? Continue reading
Dark Side Attacks

In my previous blog post I talked about Unerstanding How the Dark Side Operates, today, I would like to share with you certain techniques the Dark Side regularly uses, so that, through knowledge, you find yourself in a better position to protect yourself against Dark Side tactics and shenanigans. Continue reading
Americas Best Angel Reader

Along the way, I have done Angel Readings and Psychic Readings for thousands…I feel very pleased with the value my work has provided to so many, but I’m also very humbled by the power of the wonderful Angels that flows through me. Continue reading
Angel Reader ZARA

When people come to me the first time for an Angel Reading, and I ask how they found me, I get varying answers… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels And Todays Society

In communing with Archangel Michael about why Incarnated Angels sometimes feel lost as to what kind of occupation to pursue, the answer I received is that the modern day world makes it hard for them to fit in, in this way… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Identity

Question From Client: “Why is it that Incarnated Angels don’t know their true identity, that they are Angels, from birth, with an exception of few?” Here is my explanation… Continue reading
Breathing Colors To Strengthen Aura

Life is complex, busy and stressful, all of which work together to weaken your aura, or your energy field. When your aura is stronger, you are healthier, and of course, the opposite holds true, when your aura is weakened you become weaker and less healthy. How can you strengthen your aura with color? Continue reading
Angel Reading Blessings

My Angel Readings are to connect you with the help of the Angels, and to help you live your life with purpose and joy… Continue reading
Guidance From Angels

I like to reflect upon my life, and what I do…I love people and I enjoy helping them and bringing them direction and guidance from the Angels. So I thought I would share with you a little of what I do and what about it makes me so happy…
Incarnated Angels Messengers of God

Since Archangel Michael first told me that angels can incarnate as humans, and revealed that certain clients who come to see me are Incarnated Angels, I felt that how I disclosed the information about Incarnated Angels/Earth Angels, was a big responsibility, and to honor the truth, I proceeded with care. Continue reading
ZARAs Psychic Angel Readings

If you haven’t met me yet, I am ZARA, and my joy and my passion is to perform Psychic Angel Readings. I am a Clairsentient and Intuitive Angel Reader. Why do I do what I do? Continue reading
Clearing Negative Energy

If left alone, negative energy can cause problems in our lives, which is why I feel it’s so important to talk about the need to clear it, and ways to clear it. Continue reading
ZARA And The Angels

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, we can all use a little help in our lives. The Angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions… Continue reading
Divine Cosmic Energy

One of the side benefits of linking up with cosmic energy is that it automatically helps you to get biologically younger, healthier, and stronger with every passing day, while at the same time you feel closer to the divine. A little known fact is that as human beings, we have the power to change the reality of our lives Continue reading
Archangel Michaels Insights

Archangel Michael came through to me in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers about several important topics. Here are the highlights from that session Continue reading
Lose Free Choice

Through fear perpetrated by what I believe is the darkside, many people have lost their common sense regarding both health and social interaction. They’re also on their way to losing their free choice… Continue reading
Remembering Understanding Dreams

I absolutely love dreams, and I love helping people, within the Angel Readings that I do, understand the meaning of their dreams. Do you remember your dreams, and do you understand their meaning? Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Concerns

It’s an amazing fact that some people are actually Incarnated Angels on earth. If they are in fact Angels on earth, why do they have concerns that sometimes haunt them? Continue reading
The Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records? These are records kept by angels concerning every detail of our lives. Almost no one realizes how closely the angels follow people all their lives. But the fact is, the angels watch over each of us, and they keep track of every little thing that happens. They keep track of our actions, our experiences and our thoughts. Every detail is recorded. Continue reading
Why Go To Psychics

Throughout time, people have sought out readers, mediums and psychics to get answers about their most important concerns. Every person on this earth needs guidance at times. They reach out to and trust psychics because… Continue reading