Category Archives: Spiritual Counseling

Control Your Life


The modern idea that everything that happens in your life is a product of YOUR creation is an irritatingly crazy-making concept that causes people to feel that whatever malady or oppressive situation they are faced with is ultimately their fault. From my experience, this sometimes works, but not always. Life is uncertain, no matter what you think or do, so are you in total control? Continue reading

Find Spiritual Counselor


Some Spiritual Counselors and other health practitioners are deeply and fully committed to working on the side of good, as am I, and that type of commitment attracts good Angels, and repels the bad ones. But others aren’t as careful…how do you find the right one? Continue reading

Receive Angels Help


We are living in a time of change. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to keep track. In fact, lately, even very spiritual people are so seriously challenged by all the changes in our daily lives, we sometimes wonder, “What’s up?” For this reason, now more than ever, we need the help of angels in our lives. But how do we allow them to help us? Continue reading

Americas Best Angel Reader


Along the way, I have done Angel Readings and Psychic Readings for thousands…I feel very pleased with the value my work has provided to so many, but I’m also very humbled by the power of the wonderful angels that flows through me. Continue reading

Dark Side Attacks


In my previous blog post I talked about Unerstanding How the Dark Side Operates, today, I  would like to share with you certain techniques the Dark Side regularly uses, so that, through knowledge, you find yourself in a better position to protect yourself against Dark Side tactics and shenanigans. Continue reading