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Angel Readings By ZARA
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 2 reviews
 by Christine B.

I've worked with multiple healers and psychics, and all it took was one angel reading with Zara to know that everything she said rang true down to the core of my being. She was able to get answers to questions that many healers missed or didn't have access to. I look forward to working with her more, and even more learning from her.

 by Carol Stanley

I’ve had the pleasure of having sessions with numerous energy healers and one psychic. and what I appreciate so much with Zara is the lovely feeling of lightness she brings with her work. The positive context of Her, in whatever is being cleared is refreshing and uplifting. There is a naturalness and lovely feeling of nurture, calm and ease, which lasts way beyond the session. I am glad I found her and I no longer wonder, who it would be best to go to for insights and help. What else comes to mind is that Zara is “the real deal “, although I don’t like clichés! 🙂


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