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Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Humans
What Are Incarnated Angels

There was a time when the good Angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a human body and interacted with humans, but things changed… Continue reading
Humans and Angels

Almost everyone agrees that in the beginning, God was all that existed. Imagine this…There was no one else for God to talk to. There was only God. After a while, God decided to create other beings besides Him/Herself, and that’s what God did… Continue reading
Angels and Humans

The belief in angels is very widespread, yet most people not only do not know the origin of the angels’ existence, they also do not know how the relationship between angels and humans became profound, so in the spirit of helping people understand what really may have happened, I’m sharing the following story. Continue reading
About Incarnated Angels

Since I first introduced the concept that some good angels can incarnate as humans in 1996, (Incarnated Angels), countless people have asked me questions about Incarnated Angels, and what this means. Over the years, through answering individual letters and emails, I’ve been able to ascertain what most people want to know on the topic. So now, I’m presenting a series of blog-posts in which I will address the most frequently asked questions. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels and Humans

From the beginning, in 1996, when I first started doing readings at Stargazers Bookstore in Bellevue, Washington, the people who came to see me were deeply moved by the readings that I gave them. And no wonder…The angels were speaking to them and they could feel it. Their lives were being changed in a very good way. Many who had felt hopeless and distraught for years were finding the keys they needed to change their perspectives and find great hope and vision for a better future–one, which in many cases, was radically better than their past. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels

There was a time when the Good Angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. But soon that all had to change…
Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a Continue reading
Angels as Humans

I believe that Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament.
Help for Angels

I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading
Archangel Michael Message

In the current age we are living in, possibly the most common somewhat negative chant you hear when you offer to get together with a friend or family member is, “Oh I’d love to, but I don’t have any time”. Similarly, in connection to the pursuit of true spirituality, you hear, “I’d really like to meditate, but I don’t have the time”, and other various quips which have become increasingly common, indicating the attitude of modern Americans Continue reading
Speaking Truth

One of the things good people and incarnated angels have in common is that they often look at the way the world is now being run, and feel that the world is in such a sorry condition, that we do not belong here. Continue reading
New Earth

Even though things seem terrible right now, the future for humanity will be awesome, as we begin to live in the New Earth… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Origin and Influence

What Is The Origin Of Incarnated Angels, and How Do They Influence Humans? People have many questions about Incarnated Angels, this article will answer many that you might have… Continue reading
Receive Angels Help

We are living in a time of change. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to keep track. In fact, lately, even very spiritual people are so seriously challenged by all the changes in our daily lives, we sometimes wonder, “What’s up?” For this reason, now more than ever, we need the help of angels in our lives. But how do we allow them to help us? Continue reading
What are Incarnated Angels?

There was a time when the good angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a human body and interacted with humans, but things changed… Continue reading