Tag Archives | Religion


Angels And Religion

Many people believe that the Angels support religious and traditional beliefs, but from my experience over the past ten years as an Angel Reader, I have found that Angels are far more broad-minded and empathetic than most people think.

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Spiritual Awareness

Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. For those who are aware, what do they yearn for, and how can they achieve it?

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Spiritual Integrity

Spiritual Integrity consists of searching for Truth, willingness to recognize truth when it presents itself to you in its various aspects, and genuinely living Truth to the best of your ability, regardless of the opinions of others. In this way, whether you join a spiritual organization or not, you retain your individuality, and your ability […]

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Angels on Earth

Over the past few years, many people from all over the world have awakened to the fact that they are really Incarnated Angels. Although they may not consciously have known before, because of an important energy shift currently taking place, God and good angels of the ethereal realm are waking some people up to their […]

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