ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Angel Readings
Talk With Angels

From the beginning, the information I’ve given about Incarnated Angels, otherwise known as Earth Angels, is pure because it comes directly from Archangel Michael, who told me that the majority of people who are continually attracted to my work and come to me for Angel Readings are Incarnated Angels. Continue reading
My Angel Readings

I have always wanted to help and serve people. In fact, the avowed mission of my life was to help make this world a better place. To this end, when I was in my 40’s, I became the first-ever Angel Reader. Continue reading
Inner Child Healing

Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the Inner Child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual we will call Erin, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, verbalized that she “had already worked out her inner Child issues” long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed us that there were still issues concerning her Inner Child that were definitely holding her back. Continue reading
Divine Purpose of Incarnated Angels

The Incarnated Angels came to earth for a reason. Their reason for coming here was part of a Divine Purpose that is very important. Yet most of the Incarnated Angels, not only do not know what their purpose is, they also do not even know that they are Incarnated Angels! Continue reading
Dark Side Attacks

In my previous blog post I talked about Unerstanding How the Dark Side Operates, today, I would like to share with you certain techniques the Dark Side regularly uses, so that, through knowledge, you find yourself in a better position to protect yourself against Dark Side tactics and shenanigans. Continue reading
Americas Best Angel Reader

Along the way, I have done Angel Readings and Psychic Readings for thousands…I feel very pleased with the value my work has provided to so many, but I’m also very humbled by the power of the wonderful Angels that flows through me. Continue reading
Importance of Dreams

People seldom realize the importance of dreams. But your dreams are very important, because, from a spiritual perspective, much of the guidance God and the Angels attempt to give you is given through the dream-state… Continue reading
True Incarnated Angels

True Incarnated Angels do not need to think they are somebody famous. They may realize the importance of their mission, but they’re not particularly interested in stroking their ego, and they don’t claim to be any of the archangels. In other words, there’s a big difference between true Incarnated Angels and deluded individuals. Continue reading
Angel Reader ZARA

When people come to me the first time for an Angel Reading, and I ask how they found me, I get varying answers… Continue reading
Believing In Angels

Hello Zara, I have a question…
You’re a highly Spiritual person, and a steadfast believer of Angels, and you also know how to perceive them, as well as communicate with them. What was the trigger that started you on this path? What were the experiences that have helped you fasten your faith so greatly?”
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Inner Child True Essence

Everyone has “blocks,” or obstacles that keep them from progressing in one way or another. If they understood where and when these blocks got started, they might be able to fix them themselves. Continue reading
Your Inner Child

Many people believe their Inner Child issues are over and have already been dealt with. Still, every time those issues come to mind, (often daily), the pain is still there…the Angels can help you remove those blocks… Continue reading
Opening Your Chakras

The following is a question sent to me by a client: As an Incarnated Angel, does our chakra system differ from those of others, or is there such a thing? What I mean is every soul has a subtle body. As an incarnated Angel, does our etheric or Astral body differ in anyway?” Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Identity

Question From Client: “Why is it that Incarnated Angels don’t know their true identity, that they are Angels, from birth, with an exception of few?” Here is my explanation… Continue reading
Angel Reading Blessings

My Angel Readings are to connect you with the help of the Angels, and to help you live your life with purpose and joy… Continue reading
Guidance From Angels

I like to reflect upon my life, and what I do…I love people and I enjoy helping them and bringing them direction and guidance from the Angels. So I thought I would share with you a little of what I do and what about it makes me so happy…
Interacting With Angels

Question Sent In By Client: What do you recommend others do in order to experience a tangible and prominent change, and how to vividly communicate with the Angels and the Archangels?” See what my answer is… Continue reading
ZARAs Psychic Angel Readings

If you haven’t met me yet, I am ZARA, and my joy and my passion is to perform Psychic Angel Readings. I am a Clairsentient and Intuitive Angel Reader. Why do I do what I do? Continue reading
Finding Purpose

If the question about finding PURPOSE is affecting you right now, and if you want desperately, or at the very least, importantly, to discover your purpose so you can potentially align yourself with that purpose, here are some ideas that may help…. Continue reading
Clearing Negative Energy

If left alone, negative energy can cause problems in our lives, which is why I feel it’s so important to talk about the need to clear it, and ways to clear it. Continue reading