Humans and Angels

In the Beginning…The Creation of Angels and Humans

Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead of me, my Angels are already there.” – Author Unknown

WhoAreTheAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAAlmost everyone agrees that in the beginning, God was all that existed.

Imagine this…

There was no one else for God to talk to. There was only God.

After a while, God decided to create other beings besides Him/Herself, and that’s what God did…The first beings God ever created were the Angels, who then existed for eons until eventually, God created humans.

Who are the Angels?


Before humans were created, Angels were happy, peaceful and magnificent.

  • The Angels are ethereal beings that have form and yet are formless.
  • They can fly.
  • They can be in two or more places at once.
  • They have incredible power and knowledge.
  • They can change their size from large to small to huge as often as they like.

In many ways, they’re very different from the humans. They carry an incredible amount of wisdom, information and understanding, and the power they possess is far beyond our comprehension.

IdentityOfAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAYet, they are not perfect…The Angels were created to love, help, and be messengers for God. For a very long time, they fulfilled their function perfectly, but eventually there was a problem. The problem occurred after humans were created. (In fact, good Angels were involved in the creation of humans)

For a long time, humans were innocent, originally they had a great deal of purity. There was no war, no killing, no bloodshed of any kind. Humans got along with animals and with each other. They had no fear, no anger and no aggression. All of their needs were met and they were in harmony.

It may be hard to believe, but humans were once very pure, and God and the good Angels, who helped to create humans, were happy with them – just as good parents are pleased when their children are doing well and behaving themselves. But, as I indicated before, a problem eventually developed.

The problem was this…

The humans, complete with the beauty and innocence of their souls, were very loved by God. And for this reason, there were some Angels who were jealous.

FamilyLove-ZngelReadingsByZARAThe majority of the Angels were okay with humans being loved by God. But some had an attitude, similar to children who are upset and jealous when a new baby comes into the family and “steals” their parents’ attention. They feel that attention should belong to them! Of course, some children are never jealous of their new baby brothers and sisters, but some are intensely jealous and resent their younger siblings for the rest of their lives.

Like resentful children, the dark angels’ battle cry was that since they came first, they should get all the attention. So in order to fight against God’s decision to love and care for humans, dark angels, (dark entities, demons) who were against the humans got “organized” and formed a legion of rebels.

The good Angels, not buying into negative thinking, could not understand the jealously of the disgruntled dark angels. They felt that there was plenty of room  and love for all. They felt that just because God loved the humans, nothing was taken away from them…They were pleased that the humans were good, and they liked their innocence.

A great division…

Two thirds of the Angels did not side with the rebel angels. In fact, the falling of their brothers and sisters came as a shock. They never expected such a thing to happen and as they watched it happening, they couldn’t believe the arrogance of the negative angels, dark entities, demons.

The good Angels knew that there was no reason whatsoever to be jealous of the humans. They couldn’t understand why the fallen angels were so insecure and angry about a “problem” that didn’t even exist. In other words, they were supportive of God, and in their loyalty to God, followed the guidance and leadership of Archangel Michael.

This is a 3-part  series, in my next article we will discuss the rebel angels.

Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, access your Akashic Records, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.


About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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