The Akashic Records

What Are the Akashic Records and Why Are They So Important?

AngelsKeepAkashicRecord-AngelReadingsByZARAThe Akashic records are records kept by Angels concerning every detail of your life.

Almost no one realizes how closely the Angels follow us all of our lives. But the fact is, the Angels watch over each of us, and they keep track of every little thing that happens in our lives. They keep track of our actions, our experiences and our thoughts. Every detail is recorded.

In a lucid dream I had once, I read a page about myself from the Akashic Records. In my dream, I was sitting on the floor of the living room with an extremely thick book anwas d decided to open it. I opened it to a page somewhere in the middle and was completely astonished to find that the words I was reading were about me. I couldn’t believe that what I read about myself as a child, sitting in the backyard in the afternoon sun watching black ants. It was such a small event that had taken place when I was about eight years old, but it was still recorded! I realized this meant that every event in my life was recorded. And not only that, I also realized that every single event and thought that happens in mine or anyone’s life can be valuable, and interesting.

As I read on, I found myself re-experiencing a time when I was just a child, sitting on the warm cement in the back of my home, enjoying the peacefulness of the afternoon sun on pavement and watching a long line of little black ants crawl by. As I watched, and noticed that they were carrying things that looked as big as they were. I noticed they seemed to know where they were going and what they were doing, and I was fascinated. I must have gone into a trance state at that time as I watched them, and I definitely had a very strong sense of well-being. I then started realizing things that had nothing to do with the ants. But that sense of well-being came from things like my mother loved me and I felt safe and protected at home.

ReadingFromTheAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAAs I sat there, I lost all track of time. Some of the ants were carrying incredibly heavy loads for their size and as I watched them, I wondered “How could they know what they’re doing?” And I also wondxered “What are they really doing anyway?”

I did notice they were very intense about their work and I wondered how that could possibly be. I felt that if I continued sitting there and just continued watching them, in time, I would figure it out, or at least I was trying to figure them out.

The Angels are with us all the time…

They keep track of every detail in our lives and can help us begin to understand how important each and every one of our decisions really is. When I say the Angels keep track of every detail, I mean this literally.

The reason I know that The Recording Angels keep track of everythibng in our lives for sure is because I’ve seen my own Akashic Record firsthand, and I’ve witnessed the Angels in their scribing. Not only this, but daily, in the Psychic Readings and Angel Readings I do, I access the Akashic Records, and for this reason, at times, I am able to access things such as someone’s exact words and exact thoughts during certain events that have already taken place in their life.

Examples of Accessing the Past from the Akashic Records:

Once, when a young woman of about 20 years of age came to me for a reading, I told her an exact phrase she thought that she had never told anyone about. When I repeated the phrase she laughed because the phrase was mischievous, and she absolutely remembered thinking that thought. She said that people always thought of her as a good girl, and little did they know she actually had such thoughts, but she admitted it to me, and in laughing about it, began to see herself objectively and this helped her straighten herself out a bit.

Another young woman who had been raised in a family that did not believe in God, secretly prayed in her bedroom, and I was able described an exact ritual that she had performed as she came into a feeling of spirituality within herself while in the privacy of her bedroom from her Akashic Record.

Seeing into the future…

AngelReadingsSeeFuture-AngelReadingByZARAI can often see into the future…sometimes to tell my clients what will happen, or sometimes to warn them to avoid certain things. I can also give them strategies to effect the outcome, strategies that would be best for them – outcomes that they really want.

In fact, this is a very strong point about the work I do. You see, for the most part, I really do not believe in fate. An this is why clearing negative programs out of the Akashic Records works so well. As I clear negative programs out, and teach clients ingenious ways to create positive outcomes, their lives become happier and more fulfilled.

In our next article, we’ll talk about Clearing Negativity From the Akashic Records and how it helps.

An Angel Reading and Spiritual Counseling session can help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and ZARAAngel.AngelReadingsByZARApnghelp you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness, no matter what is going on around you.

If you would like to discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or for guidance for a happier more meaningful life, please Contact Me or call me at 425.741.9752

About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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