Archangel Michaels Insights

Important Insights from Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael came through to me during one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers about several important topics.  These insights were recorded by J.M.

This is the first in a 2-part series, as I share with you…

Highlights from the channeled session with Archangel Michael:

~ How to Positively Influence our Planet 

Whatever we THINK is what we are contributing to our planet. If we want to change the planet in a positive way, we need to choose our thoughts carefully. Over time, we will be surprised to notice startlingly positive changes in the world around us.

Breathing and Thinking Pink 

(Breathing pink to become younger and to feel happier has been recommended by ZARA)

When you THINK the color “pink”, you are adding more God energy to the planet, and at the same time you become younger, more optimistic and regain childlike happiness.

Sometimes you get hooked into thinking that things have to be a certain way because you live in a material world. So you believe everything here is reality. Yet things are not as real as you may think.
For instance, believing that you must get old is a programmed idea. You may have to “pass away” someday, but why get old first? The cells of your body have the ability to replace themselves in perfection. They never need to deteriorate, because the cells split to create daughter cells…
Thinking and breathing pink helps to maintain and/or recreate youthful health.

~ The Highest Priorities 

The most important concepts in our lives are

  • Truth
  • Grace
  • Purity
  • Crystal Clear Clarity
  • Kindness

In order to have Crystal Clear Clarity, it is vitally important to have a regular meditation practice.  The amount of time is not as important as constancy – meditating regularly on a daily basis is critically important.

MeditateForDivineContact-AngelReadingsByZARAThe purpose of meditation is to make Divine contact through the state of calmness and through the third eye.

The physical position you use during meditation, whether sitting or lying down, is not the most important aspect, however the spine should be straight, and you must focus on God. Those are the only requirements, and the only way meditation will lead to the Divine.

Regular meditation helps you trust yourself to know that you will return to a state of divine communion everyday. In this way you will keep the promise you made to yourself  before entering this life, which was to become connected and to stay connected with the Divine.

Meditation gives you a baseline of peacefulness to lovingly reconnect with God so that people and situations will not get you out of your peace state, and so you will be able to stay on course with your true purpose in life.

When you meditate regularly, God sends His/Her energy to you through scintillating light–especially white light, pink light, and rainbow colors of light.

~ Color Therapy 

ColorTherapyHealingPower-AngelReadingsByZARAOn a related topic, knowledge of the power of Color Therapy has been almost completely lost on this planet because of all-out attacks from the dark-side which have caused major suppression of this knowledge.

However, now, because of the Angels of Light winning in major skirmishes against the dark-side,  knowledge of the immense power of Light and Color Therapy are beginning to make a  come-back to this earth. The Angels of Light know how important it is to bring an understanding of the healing power of color back into the world, and they are working very hard and doing everything they can to make this happen.

In my next Article I will continue sharing more important insights from Archangel Michael.

If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, and you would like the Angels’ and my guidance and help, go to my “Schedule Your Session” page, and contact me.

ZARAAngel.AngelReadingsByZARApngThrough Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “angel work”, or receive guidance for a happier more meaningful life.

Please call me at: (425) 741-9752


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