Tag Archives: Angels

ZARA Angel


Who is ZARA Angel? ZARA has always been aware of angels and was aware of her spiritual gifts as a young child. She was so intuitive that if she was in a room with more than one grown-up… “it was very disconcerting, I could hear all their thoughts!” she describes. Continue reading

Presence of Angels


Over the past few decades, angels have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. And in fact, angels are supernal beings created by Divine Essence long before humankind. Continue reading

Angels and Humans


The belief in angels is very widespread, yet most people not only do not know the origin of the angels’ existence, they also do not know how the relationship between angels and humans became profound, so in the spirit of helping people understand what really may have happened, I’m sharing the following story. Continue reading

Truth About Incarnated Angels


I feel it is unwise for people to make claims about Incarnated Angels when they have no true knowledge of who the Incarnated Angels are and what their presence here really means. Continue reading

About Incarnated Angels


Since I first introduced the concept that some good angels can incarnate as humans in 1996, (Incarnated Angels), countless people have asked me questions about Incarnated Angels, and what this means. Over the years, through answering individual letters and emails, I’ve been able to ascertain what most people want to know on the topic. So now, I’m presenting a series of blog-posts in which I will address the most frequently asked questions. Continue reading

Communicate with Angels


Many people think about angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, is there something they would like to tell them. Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them. Continue reading

Good Angels Incarnate


Working directly with Archangel Michael in 1996, I received the message that some good angels incarnate as humans, and through his direction, I brought in the concept that good angels can incarnate as humans. Here is my updated vintage article, first published in 1998 as “Victory of the Angels”, that first began the conversation that some good angels can and do incarnate as humans. Continue reading

Angel Guidance


Our purpose on this earth is to remember our heavenly origin and to learn to help others along the way. While many people forget God, get disconnected from their High Selves, and debate among themselves as to whether or not there is anything beyond the grave… Continue reading

Purpose of Incarnated Angels


Several thousand years ago, some good Angels started incarnating as humans. Although, up until 1996, when Archangel Michael revealed the truth about this phenomenon through my mediumship, nobody seemed to know. But they are here, and this is why…

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Archangel Michael on Christianity


Christianity as it is practiced on the earth does not fully reflect our teachings. Some aspects of it are positive, and other aspects are off track. We teach love and acceptance, loving and accepting yourself, loving and accepting God within you—and then following Continue reading

Talking with Archangel Michael


As ZARA prepared herself to receive Archangel Michael my fingertips began to sweat. What if? I watched her energy change, I watched her face soften. I watched her posture change. We had been talking for about forty-five minutes, so I was startled at the changes in her voice, her pronunciation, her new word use, tone and cadence. This was real and as I asked my first nervous silly question, chills ran up my spine! Continue reading

Interview with Archangel Michael


Jai Tiger Reed had an idea no one had ever thought of before. She wanted to directly ask questions of Archangel Michael through ZARA ANGEL, Archangel Michael’s Channel, and she wanted to publish the interview in a metaphysical newspaper, The Blue Star Gazette Continue reading

Angel Reader


I’m an Angel Reader.

One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years. Continue reading

Angels as Humans


I believe that Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament.

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Understanding Incarnated Angels


Are Incarnated Angels super-powerful?
Does being an Incarnated Angel mean that you know more than others?
Is “angels incarnating as humans” a phenomenon that started recently–say in the 1970’s?
How many incarnated angels are presently on the earth?
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Supernatural Beings


For as long as humans have been on this earth we have known of the wonderful, yet mysterious supernatural beings known as Angels.

We have known them from their visitations, and only when we open ourselves to receive their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance. Continue reading

Angel Messages


I am very aware that not all is good in the universe and I am totally committed to working only with the side of Good. Back in 1996, when Archangel Michael made his first appearance during a Psychic Angel Reading with a client, I knew very little about him, and had not been expecting his appearance at all. Fortunately, the client who was with me at the time was also psychic, and both of us perceived his presence. Her recognition, and not just mine alone, was very validating to me, because Jill, (a pseudonym), actually verbalized an awareness of Archangel Michael’s presence before I mentioned it. This helped me to know that what I was perceiving was real. Continue reading

Help for Angels


I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading

Commune With Angels


We all need angels in our lives, and fortunately for us, angels are real. I know this because I’ve been talking with angels for most of my life. And in my communion with them, I have discovered a good deal about what is important about us from the angels’ perspective. While I have known many people who’ve said that angels must be too busy to bother with them–thinking of themselves as somewhat insignificant, the truth is, the angels are not only Continue reading

Angels are Real


We all need angels in our lives, and fortunately for us,angels are real. I know this because I’ve been communing with angels for most of my life. And in my communion with them, I have discovered a good deal about what is important about us from the angels’ perspective. Continue reading