Category Archives: Angels

Angel Work


Our world needs a great deal of help, and each of us is capable of moving it in a more positive direction. The way you can help is to practice doing your Angel Work. Continue reading

Interacting With Angels


Question Sent In By Client: What do you recommend others do in order to experience a tangible and prominent change, and how to vividly communicate with  the Angels and the Archangels?” See what my answer is… Continue reading

ZARAs Psychic Angel Readings

If you haven’t met me yet, I am ZARA, and my joy and my passion is to perform Psychic Angel Readings. I am a Clairsentient and Intuitive Angel Reader. Why do I do what I do? Continue reading

ZARA And The Angels


In this confusing and trouble-filled world, we can all use a little help in our lives. The Angels and I  work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions… Continue reading

Introduction of Incarnated Angels


Incarnated Angels are here for a very special purpose. They are here to help and guide humanity to love God, love one another and practice kindness in all that they do. This, of course, is very similar to the function of non-incarnated angels, but because masses of people have lost touch with their High Self and intuition, most people are oblivious to the presence and guidance of angels and do not hear them….then do they really have a purpose? Continue reading

Angels From God


It’s important to think about angels….And when you do, remember to think about them as they truly are – divine and powerful emissaries from God.   Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Wings


What’s the first thing you do when you find out you’re an Incarnated Angel? Look for your wings? That’s not as silly as it may seem… Continue reading

God And Angels


Now, more than ever before, we need God and the Angels in our lives. The reason for this is obvious to those who stand apart from the crowd, and are willing to look objectively at what’s been happening—especially the Incarnated Angels. Continue reading

I Saw Angels


Almost no one thinks of Angels constantly. Even I, who has the ability to tune in with them on a regular basis sometimes forget to notice the angels right in front of me, above me and all around. Continue reading

Earth Angels


Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament. Continue reading

Angels Lead to Gratitude


One of the important things I’ve learned from working with the Angels in the Angel-Readings I do is that gratitude can help you get what you want out of life. Here is an example of how this works… Continue reading

Attitude of Gratitude


The Angels and I want you to imagine, right now, that you’ve just had a good night’s sleep and you’re just waking up in the morning. And, right now, with that happy thought fresh in your mind, just allow yourself to sincerely say the words, “Thank you for this wonderful day! Thank you, God! Thank you Angels!” Continue reading

Being an Incarnated Angel


Being an Angel-Incarnate, or Incarnated Angel, does not indicate perfection. Instead, it reveals responsibility and purpose, and helps lead to the answers of many of your questions which previously were mysteries. Questions such as… Continue reading

Psychic Angel Reading


Not giving me any hints about her life and circumstances before the Psychic Angel Reading began, she was shocked when everything I channeled during her reading was exactly correct. She indicated her surprise by saying the following words to me, “I did not have to tell you anything, yet everything you said about me was spot-on. You’re amazing! How do you do that?” Continue reading

Angel Messenger


This is an interview with ZARA, discussing her mission as an Angel Messenger and Advocate… Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Exist


After 10 years of daily meditation, I was very surprised to discover that I am actually an Incarnated Angel. My daily meditation practice was for the express purpose of gaining direct experience of God, and as an unexpected side-effect, I was shocked to ascertain that originally, before ever incarnating as a human, my soul started out as that of an Angel of God. Continue reading

Angels Help


Angels are beautiful Beings created by God, and some of them are assigned by God to serve humanity. Although people do not normally see or hear them, the Angels do interact in our lives more than we could possibly know. Continue reading

Communication With Angels


One of the things I teach is that Angels are real. I can teach this because I’ve seen proof. They’re with us everyday. They’re not just with me, they’re with you. And one of the things people have often asked me is how they can learn to commune with Angels.

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Angel Card Readings


There are many who offer Angel Readings, and since they’re independent from me, in order to understand what they do and how we differ, I looked into the topic and studied what they do. What I’ve found is that they are actually doing Angel Card Readings… Continue reading

Discovering You’re An Incarnated Angel


If you identify with being an Incarnated Angel, chances are you would like some direction as to what to do with your new-found knowledge. In my work as an Angel Reader, I often receive emails and phone calls from people who believe they are Incarnated Angels, and who want more information and direction as to what they can do to get started with their Angel-work. Continue reading