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Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Angels
Life of Incarnated Angel
As you read what I am saying about Incarnated Angels, you will realize that being one is not necessarily a walk in the park. Being an Incarnated Angel here on this earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.
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Communicate with Angels
Many people think about angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, is there something they would like to tell them. Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Dream
For those of you who are truly angels incarnate as humans –living a temporal existence on earth for the time being, I have an important message for you. Continue reading
Angels In Your Life
How can you achieve what you really want in life? Once you know what you want, can you accomplish it by yourself? Most likely it will be too hard to do alone… Continue reading
Good Angels Incarnate
Working directly with Archangel Michael in 1996, I received the message that some good angels incarnate as humans, and through his direction, I brought in the concept that good angels can incarnate as humans. Here is my updated vintage article, first published in 1998 as “Victory of the Angels”, that first began the conversation that some good angels can and do incarnate as humans. Continue reading
Avoid Fear
When the fake plandemic started, the Angels and I warned people not to get into fear. Fear shows lack of trust in God, and it’s totally against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As a matter of fact, in the Bible, it says not to fear 365 times! Continue reading
Incarnated Angels and Humans
From the beginning, in 1996, when I first started doing readings at Stargazers Bookstore in Bellevue, Washington, the people who came to see me were deeply moved by the readings that I gave them. And no wonder…The angels were speaking to them and they could feel it. Their lives were being changed in a very good way. Many who had felt hopeless and distraught for years were finding the keys they needed to change their perspectives and find great hope and vision for a better future–one, which in many cases, was radically better than their past. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels on Earth
At this point, you may realize that being an Incarnated Angel is not a “walk in the park”. Being an Incarnated Angel on earth is like being a soldier in the trenches. If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, keep in mind that you volunteered… Continue reading
Purpose of Incarnated Angels
Several thousand years ago, some good Angels started incarnating as humans. Although, up until 1996, when Archangel Michael revealed the truth about this phenomenon through my mediumship, nobody seemed to know. But they are here, and this is why…
Interview with Archangel Michael
Jai Tiger Reed had an idea no one had ever thought of before. She wanted to directly ask questions of Archangel Michael through ZARA ANGEL, Archangel Michael’s Channel, and she wanted to publish the interview in a metaphysical newspaper, The Blue Star Gazette Continue reading
Angel Reader
I’m an Angel Reader.
One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels
There was a time when the Good Angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. But soon that all had to change…
Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a Continue reading
Angels as Humans
I believe that Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament.
Good and Bad Angels
Good Angels have always been involved with the earth and helping humanity as long as there have been people. But there are bad angels who are out to destroy us….
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Understanding Incarnated Angels
Are Incarnated Angels super-powerful?
Does being an Incarnated Angel mean that you know more than others?
Is “angels incarnating as humans” a phenomenon that started recently–say in the 1970’s?
How many incarnated angels are presently on the earth?
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Supernatural Beings
For as long as humans have been on this earth we have known of the wonderful, yet mysterious supernatural beings known as Angels.
We have known them from their visitations, and only when we open ourselves to receive their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance. Continue reading
Angels in Human Form
I have been working with Archangel Michael for several years now, and the messages I have received from him have been profoundly moving for thousands of people. One of the most amazing facts that has come up again and again is that angels can incarnate as people. This is especially interesting in terms of the clients that come to me because most of them actually are angels that have come to earth as humans. Continue reading
Importance Of Angels
For several decades, it seemed as though practically nobody really believed in Angels. It seems that most people, at that time, thought that the whole concept of Angels had become outdated, and was only a thing of the past… Continue reading
Angel Soul
At the age of 37, Andrea found out that she was actually an Incarnated Angel. This came as a major epiphany for her, which subsequently changed her viewpoints about everything that had ever happened, was happening, and could ever happen in her life. Continue reading
Angel Messages
I am very aware that not all is good in the universe and I am totally committed to working only with the side of Good. Back in 1996, when Archangel Michael made his first appearance during a Psychic Angel Reading with a client, I knew very little about him, and had not been expecting his appearance at all. Fortunately, the client who was with me at the time was also psychic, and both of us perceived his presence. Her recognition, and not just mine alone, was very validating to me, because Jill, (a pseudonym), actually verbalized an awareness of Archangel Michael’s presence before I mentioned it. This helped me to know that what I was perceiving was real. Continue reading