Incarnated Angels on Earth

How Difficult Is Life On Earth For Incarnated Angels?

DifficultyLifeIncaarnatedAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAIn a previous article I talked about the purpose of Incarnated Angels on the Earth. In this article we’ll discuss the fact that Incarnated Angels volunteered to come to earth and enter the “Trenches”

At this point, you may realize that being an Incarnated Angel is not a “walk in the park”. Being an Incarnated Angel on earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.

If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, keep in mind that you volunteered to come here, and when you did, you knew in advance you were going into the “trenches”. You knew this was a war zone and that in being here, you would be smack in the middle of the war between the Dark Side and the Light Side, a war that’s been waging for thousands of years, and this would interfere with your fun.

Remember, the reason Incarnated Angels came here in the first place is because they were asked to come and help. Before incarnating, they knew this experience would be difficult. Coming to this earth as human was a sacrifice that Incarnated Angels chose to make in service to God and Goodness.

Remembering your purpose…

Still, as Incarnated Angels in the world as humans, it’s easy to forget what we are here for. And then, because of the hardships we face, after a while we often get depressed and have a hard time even staying here. Even though we don’t remember that we volunteered to come and help, we are very aware that we don’t fit in here in this world. A world that sometimes seems like such a terrible place.

Incarnated Angels sometimes make this mistake…

SadIncarnatedAngel-AngelReadingsByZARASome Incarnated Angels often daydream about “leaving the earth and returning home”, which can mean, at least to some degree, they’re anxious to die. Falsely interpreting this as a spiritual attitude, they sometimes miss their opportunities to help humanity by selfishly focusing on themselves instead of on their mission. This does not mean that they die sooner than they would have otherwise, it just means they get caught up with self-pity rather than praying, planning, and getting into action to play a significant role in guiding and helping individuals on this planet.

When Incarnated Angels make this mistake, (which is a common mistake for them), they do not realize they are being selfish. At these moments, they often imagine they are being highly spiritual and showing wisdom. But the truth is, when they focus on looking forward to death, they waste opportunities to positively influence humanity, and that they’re being negative and selfish instead. In most cases, looking forward to death is not spiritual.

Attitude needs to reflect purpose…

BeliefInAngels-AngelReadingsByZARATrue Incarnated Angels need to remember they have volunteered to come to earth, so it’s important to show a good attitude while here. No one forced them to come, and Incarnated Angels did not come to “evolve” in any way.  Instead, they came out of love and devotion to God, and a willingness to serve. When Incarnated Angels, as well as other people, get active and do their parts in service, they feel happiness and joy.

As they become more involved in doing their purpose on earth, they like themselves more, love their lives here on earth and feel joy. This is because a good positive attitude is what it takes to get into the flow of accomplishing one’s spiritual purpose. Also, being in the flow of God feels wonderful–like flowing with the current of life rather than against it.

Altogether, Incarnated Angels and other Angelic people, (humans who are devoted to Goodness and God), can make a difference in making this world a better place, and this is what the Good Angels and I want to encourage.

Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

We can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Schedule your private session with me or call me at: (425) 741-9752

About ZARA

In this confusing and trouble-filled world, the angels and I work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions. Connect with me here
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