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Spiritualist Testimonial
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Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Angel Readings
Incarnated Angel Misconceptions
What are the misconceptions about Incarnated Angels, and what are the things Incarnated Angels themselves don’t understand about who they are? Continue reading
Coping With Life Changes
While in the past, many of us on the side of light may not have fully recognized a dark tendency in some of the friends, relatives and associates around us, now, with all these spiritual tests going on, it is becoming so clear, we cannot miss it. Of course the angels always knew who was who and what was what, and it was only we humans in the flesh for whom it was not so clear. Now we’re seeing it too, and that realization can be heart- rending, sad or even shocking.
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Angel Blessings
While living on this earth, most people seem convinced that they should fit in and be like everybody else. They are afraid to stand out and risk looking different, because they are worried about lack of acceptance and harassment.
But for some who are actually Incarnated Angels, Earth Angels or angels in human form, I have an urgent message for you. Continue reading
Negative Entities Called Satanics
In a recent blog post, I talked about demonics—what they are and why the Good Angels and I remove them at the beginning of each and every Angel Reading I do. Now, let'[s talk about satanics and why it’s so important to clear them out before the reading begins. Continue reading
I started doing Angel Readings in 1996. At that time I was the only one giving this type of reading. Because it wasn’t heard of I was invited to speak on TV, radio, and many other places giving me the opportunity to explain what my readings were like and how they could be so helpful… Continue reading
Negative Entities Called Separates
The way I begin each Angel Reading is by clearing out negative entities, one of them I call Separates. Here is why I call them Separates and also why they are considered negative entities and how they can affect you. Continue reading
Psychics Positives vs Negatives
I have observed that many of my clients have a high level of respect for the help they have received from Psychics. Those are the ones who have had good experiences from having done so. There are those, however, who have had bad experiences. Continue reading
Talk to Angels
We need to keep the Angels in our thoughts. And when you do, it’s important to remember to think about them as they truly are – divine and powerful emissaries from God. When you do, you are allowing them to bless your life. Continue reading
Incarnated Angel Characteristics
Many people are confused about the characteristics of Incarnated Angels…who are they, and why are they here? As I have said many times before, some people are actually Angels who have come into the physical realm through the normal process of birth, each one having their own qualities and life purpose… Continue reading
Yoga and Self-Realization
Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. Still, however, there are a few who are in touch, and for these people, the deepest desire of their heart is to increase their spiritual awareness until they blissfully experience God directly in two-way dialogue. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Origin and Influence
What Is The Origin Of Incarnated Angels, and How Do They Influence Humans? People have many questions about Incarnated Angels, this article will answer many that you might have… Continue reading
Seeing Angels
My mom was the first person that told me about angels. When I was little, she used to read me stories, and some of them were about beautiful angels. I loved those stories, and I always wondered if angels were real.
The first time I had a direct experience with angels was when I was a child. Continue reading
Find Spiritual Counselor
Some Spiritual Counselors and other health practitioners are deeply and fully committed to working on the side of good, as am I, and that type of commitment attracts good Angels, and repels the bad ones. But others aren’t as careful…how do you find the right one? Continue reading
Inner Child Healing
Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the Inner Child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual we will call Erin, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, verbalized that she “had already worked out her inner Child issues” long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed us that there were still issues concerning her Inner Child that were definitely holding her back. Continue reading
Talk With Angels
From the beginning, the information I’ve given about Incarnated Angels, otherwise known as Earth Angels, is pure because it comes directly from Archangel Michael, who told me that the majority of people who are continually attracted to my work and come to me for Angel Readings are Incarnated Angels. Continue reading
Book About Angel Readings
I’ve been talking about writing a book for close to 20 years. I’ve started writing it at least 5 times, but have never been satisfied with the drafts. I have decided it’s time to accomplish my goal. But in order to do so, it will require me to make these changes… Continue reading
Angel Reading Experience
My Angel Readings are very interactive, so you will definitely get the opportunity to talk about your background, etc., within the session. You may also send me a brief paragraph concerning things you want me to know before the session. Continue reading
Online Psychic Angel Readings
Over the last several years, as clients call or write to schedule their Psychic Angel Readings with me, increasingly more of them want their Angel Readings over Skype, Google Hang-Outs or I’m more than willing to accommodate their needs, and in doing so, I’ve discovered that modern day videoconferencing is an excellent way to carry out my very practical and spiritual Psychic Angel Reading sessions, and here is further information to help you consider having your next Psychic Angel Reading over videoconferencing. Continue reading