Tag Archives: Meditation

Believing In Angels


Hello Zara, I have a question…
You’re a highly Spiritual person, and a steadfast believer of Angels, and you also know how to perceive them, as well as communicate with them. What was the trigger that started you on this path?  What were the experiences that have helped you fasten your faith so greatly?”
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Opening Your Chakras


The following is a question sent to me by a client: As an Incarnated Angel, does our chakra system differ from those of others, or is there such a thing?  What I mean is every soul has a subtle body. As an incarnated Angel, does our etheric or Astral body differ in anyway?” Continue reading

God And Angels


Now, more than ever before, we need God and the Angels in our lives. The reason for this is obvious to those who stand apart from the crowd, and are willing to look objectively at what’s been happening—especially the Incarnated Angels. Continue reading

Communication With Angels


One of the things I teach is that Angels are real. I can teach this because I’ve seen proof. They’re with us everyday. They’re not just with me, they’re with you. And one of the things people have often asked me is how they can learn to commune with Angels.

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Spiritual Awareness


Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. For those who are aware, what do they yearn for, and how can they achieve it? Continue reading

Presence of Angels


Over the past few decades, angels have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. And in fact, angels are supernal beings created by Divine Essence long before humankind. Continue reading

Communicate with Angels


Many people think about angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, is there something they would like to tell them. Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them. Continue reading

Avoid Fear


When the fake plandemic started, the Angels and I warned people not to get into fear. Fear shows lack of trust in God, and it’s totally against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As a matter of fact, in the Bible, it says not to fear 365 times! Continue reading

Angel Guidance


Our purpose on this earth is to remember our heavenly origin and to learn to help others along the way. While many people forget God, get disconnected from their High Selves, and debate among themselves as to whether or not there is anything beyond the grave… Continue reading

Archangel Michaels Insights


Archangel Michael came through to me in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers about several important topics. Here are the highlights from that session Continue reading

Ask Guardian Angel


“The wisdom of the ages teaches that each individual, whether a believer or not, good or bad, old or young, sick or well, rich or poor, has a personal Guardian Angel with him or her at every moment of life’s journey.”

It is wonderful to know that you have a Guardian Angel, and it is even more wonderful to know that you actually have the ability to contact your Guardian Angel in order to get some of the comfort and insight you need. Continue reading

Finding Life Purpose Part 2


Finding your life’s purpose is one of the most important things you can do in this life, for you, for those around you and for Spirit. This last of the 4 steps to finding your purpose is possibly the most important step, one you should definitely not ignore. Continue reading

Finding Life Purpose


Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is of the utmost importance. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose. Have you discovered what your is and how to fulfill it? Continue reading

Find Peace And Happiness


At this time, while people on earth are going through such an incredibly challenging time, many are feeling not only confused, but hopeless. So because of this, the Angels are inspiring me to write some helpful tips about how to find peace within, and thus be able to feel really happy. Continue reading

Gain Spiritual Knowledge


My experience is that everything we learn in the Inner Retreats is useful and fun, and that the spiritual questions that used to puzzle you get answered. Continue reading

Defining Life Purpose


Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is very important. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose, which you can do using these four steps. Continue reading

Archangel Michael Message


In the current age we are living in, possibly the most common somewhat negative chant you hear when you offer to get together with a friend or family member is, “Oh I’d love to, but I don’t have any time”. Similarly, in connection to the pursuit of true spirituality, you hear, “I’d really like to meditate, but I don’t have the time”, and other various quips which have become increasingly common, indicating the attitude of modern Americans Continue reading

Angels Help With Goals


I am a Psychic Angel-Reader/Life Coach, and as such I assist people in obtaining their goals, many of which relate to finances and prosperity. While working with clients, angels have revealed to me that they want to help make our worthwhile desires come true, and they will do that if we take the time to know what we want, and then ask. Continue reading



The true purpose of meditation is to gain a conscious connection with the Divine. The idea is that everyone came from the infinite initially, but through the hassles of daily living, we have gotten out of touch with our true souls. Meditation is one of the ways you can get back in touch with your soul. Continue reading

Amazing Spiritual Journey


My Amazing Spiritual Journey Being an Angel Reader has been interesting, fascinating and fun. I enjoy talking to people and sharing information given to me by the Angels. I watch how this work helps so many people and changes their … Continue reading