Tag Archives: Healing

Inner Child Healing


Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the Inner Child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual we will call Erin, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, verbalized that she “had already worked out her inner Child issues” long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed us that there were still issues concerning her Inner Child that were definitely holding her back. Continue reading

Spiritual Journey


I’ve have been blessed to have many Divine experiences in my lifetime…experiences that have shaped my life, helped bring me to the place where I am now, opened up my abilities and have given me a new closeness and understanding of God and the Divine. Continue reading

Angel Miracle Healing


Miracles of healing do happen, the Angels and God want to help you, but the first step is yours…you must have and show your faith. Let me share two stories that show the power of faith… Continue reading

Angel Reading Blessings


My Angel Readings are to connect you with the help of the Angels, and to help you live your life with purpose and joy… Continue reading

Guidance From Angels


I like to reflect upon my life, and what I do…I love people and I enjoy helping them and bringing them direction and guidance from the Angels. So I thought I would share with you a little of what I do and what about it makes me so happy…

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Angels Lead to Gratitude


One of the important things I’ve learned from working with the Angels in the Angel-Readings I do is that gratitude can help you get what you want out of life. Here is an example of how this works… Continue reading

Breathe Color


Two of the most essential elements of life are air and water. We cannot survive very long without either one. Most people do not drink enough water or get enough fresh air. Simply increasing both will boost your overall energy levels. We can also use both air and water in color therapy to assist the body in healing itself of various conditions. Continue reading

Evaluation And Healing


At this time, as we enter a new year, I like to take special time to consider how I am holding myself and others in my awareness. Continue reading

Archangel Michaels Insights


Archangel Michael came through to me in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers about several important topics. Here are the highlights from that session Continue reading

Healing With Crystals


We are living in a very stressful time, and our bodies and our emotions are having a hard time coping with the resultant continual pressure. We need to heal. Fortunately, crystals, created by God, and programmed by angels of light, have numerous blessings to share. Continue reading

Crystal Energy


Everything in this world has energy, including crystals, which have powerful healing energy in them. This is how I like to use them and what they can do for you Continue reading

Guardian Angel Miracles


Have you ever had a conscious experience with your Guardian Angel? Many people have, and some have shared their genuine personal experiences of Guardian Angels with me, and now, I’d like to share some of their stories with you. Continue reading

Akashic Records Healing

Scales ofTruth-AngelReadingsByZARA

Metaphysically oriented people generally believe that good prevails over evil, but sometimes, when we look at the “reality” we are faced with in life, we start to wonder if life is fair at all. The problem with metaphysical “light beings” is that we usually believe in Truth so much, we often reveal more than is necessary and later find ourselves in unjustly compromising situations in which unscrupulous people can twist the truth in order to hurt and control us. Continue reading

Pendulums A Spiritual Guide


Absolutely one of the most amazingly effective methods of accessing information about yourself and others metaphysically, is through the use of the pendulum. Continue reading

Believe In Angels


Archangel Michael wants us to know that he and the Angels are here to help, that humans are not alone…this is the story of how they helped me one dark rainy night… Continue reading



One of the things I’ve noticed with my clients is that more and more of them are really concerned about looking and feeling good, and I am so happy I have found something that can really help, and to this end, I’d like to share a secret.

A while back, I came across an amazing, simple idea which impressed me so much, I had to try it. I came across the story of a woman who had an unusual spiritual experience. Continue reading