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ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Angels
Choose Faith Over Fear

We are now living in the time spoken of in The Book of Revelations…a time when there is much to be fearful of. But you can choose faith over fear and find joy in life… Continue reading
Famous Incarnated Angels

The dark side is composed of beings who are sworn enemies of goodness and they know that Incarnated Angels are here to help humans and be a good influence. They want this to stop and they will stoop to any means to do so… Continue reading
Ask Guardian Angel

“The wisdom of the ages teaches that each individual, whether a believer or not, good or bad, old or young, sick or well, rich or poor, has a personal Guardian Angel with him or her at every moment of life’s journey.”
It is wonderful to know that you have a Guardian Angel, and it is even more wonderful to know that you actually have the ability to contact your Guardian Angel in order to get some of the comfort and insight you need. Continue reading
Healing With Crystals

We are living in a very stressful time, and our bodies and our emotions are having a hard time coping with the resultant continual pressure. We need to heal. Fortunately, crystals, created by God, and programmed by angels of light, have numerous blessings to share. Continue reading
Angel Reading Miracles

I’m often pleasantly surprised when people, calling me for the first time, enthusiastically share their stories about how they found me. I’ve heard astonishing reports so many times now, that I know for sure the Angels are behind it all. It couldn’t be mere coincidence. Yes, the Angels are the ones who make these miracles happen! Continue reading
Angels Health Advice

With the Angels’ assistance, I’ve been on a major campaign to improve my health, and since it seems to be working, I want to share some of what I’ve learned with you. My intention is to inspire you to make changes in your lifestyle and improve your health. Continue reading
Akashic Record Clearing

One of the things I do within my Psychic Angel Readings is to clear out negativity from the Akashic Records, so my clients can have easier and happier lives. When new clients call to schedule a Reading with me, they sometimes ask me to describe what I do in my Readings and also what is meant by the Akashic Records. Continue reading
Angels Presence

The best way to be aware that Angels are present in your life is to know and understand some of the simple methods the angels have of communicating their presence to us.
They can appear as flashes of light. They can make audible sounds in your home, your car or wherever you are–sounds such as taps and clicks in the wall, the furniture, the ceiling, or the roof of your car. Continue reading

My experience with angels started in my early childhood. I had been very deeply traumatized by tragedy in my family. The Angels came to me then, and have been with me ever since…these are a couple of my experiences. Continue reading
Choirs of Angels

This article is to help you understand the different Types or Choirs of Angels as well as what each type does… Continue reading
Ask The Angels

Angels reveal that a major step in accomplishing your worthwhile goals is to ask Spirit for assistance.
“Ask and ye shall receive…”
But before you can ask for what you want, you’ve got to know what you want first. Continue reading
Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans

In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading
Akashic Records Healing

Metaphysically oriented people generally believe that good prevails over evil, but sometimes, when we look at the “reality” we are faced with in life, we start to wonder if life is fair at all. The problem with metaphysical “light beings” is that we usually believe in Truth so much, we often reveal more than is necessary and later find ourselves in unjustly compromising situations in which unscrupulous people can twist the truth in order to hurt and control us. Continue reading
Feeling Gratitude

I’ve noticed that people often think about problems in life, and what they’d like to change. But how often do we stop and feel gratitude and think about how lucky we are to have what we already have? Continue reading

In the eastern religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the Sikh philosophy, karma is considered to be action or deed and the results that naturally follow. One of the first laws of physics, “for every action there is a reaction”, is also the law of karma. Continue reading
Angels of Light

In these troubling times, we should be trying to stay in tune with the Angels of Light so they can help get us through the challenges. But typically, the Angels are not on most people’s minds all the time… Continue reading
Angels Transform Lives

During my Psychic Angel Readings, I have witnessed many people suddenly comprehend that they have a variety of choices in their lives that they never knew they had. This is how the Angels work. They give us different options and show us how we can transform our lives. Continue reading
New Earth Reality Shift

Some time in 2018, I became aware that things were changing in a surrealistic way. What I mean by that is that reality itself is definitely shifting. Have you noticed these things too? Continue reading
Connecting With Angels

The most important connection any of us can make in life is our connection with angels. Some people want to get to God directly through meditation and prayer, but from my experience, prayer and meditation lead directly to a connection with angels, which then leads us to God. This is because angels are intermediaries to God, and when you pray and meditate, they listen, respond and sometimes intercede. Continue reading
Help From Angels

Since late June, 2008, I have been discovering that virtually everyone seems to be going through huge changes in their personal lives. Caused by events beyond our control, just about everyone has been hurled into extremely challenging situations concerning issues, which until recently had remained hidden, covered up, or just beyond reach. Continue reading