Tag Archives: Angels Help

Inner Child True Essence


Everyone has “blocks,” or obstacles that keep them from progressing in one way or another. If they understood where and when these blocks got started, they might be able to fix them themselves. Continue reading

Angel Reading Blessings


My Angel Readings are to connect you with the help of the Angels, and to help you live your life with purpose and joy… Continue reading

Empathic Incarnated Angels


A client wanted to know, does it necessarily mean you’re a highly empathic (empathetic) person If you are an Incarnated Angel? In the sense that you tend to sympathize with a person when he/she is hurt, when to others it may not occur that the individual is hurt? Continue reading

Interacting With Angels


Question Sent In By Client: What do you recommend others do in order to experience a tangible and prominent change, and how to vividly communicate with  the Angels and the Archangels?” See what my answer is… Continue reading

ZARA And The Angels


In this confusing and trouble-filled world, we can all use a little help in our lives. The Angels and I  work together to help you understand your life, solve your problems, and help you to make better decisions… Continue reading

I Saw Angels


Almost no one thinks of Angels constantly. Even I, who has the ability to tune in with them on a regular basis sometimes forget to notice the angels right in front of me, above me and all around. Continue reading

Purpose As Incarnated Angels


The truth is, on a large scale, the mess the world is already in is truly overwhelming, yet the good news is that you and I can make a difference. While not all of us have the wherewithal to reach huge crowds of people as did Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as other heroic figures I could name, each of us has more Angelic power than we realize. Continue reading

Great Awakening


For all of our lives, until recently, the world has been controlled by the dark side much more than anyone realized. This has been part of the 3rd dimensional existence we’ve all lived in our entire lives. But now… Continue reading

Angels Help


Angels are beautiful Beings created by God, and some of them are assigned by God to serve humanity. Although people do not normally see or hear them, the Angels do interact in our lives more than we could possibly know. Continue reading

Communication With Angels


One of the things I teach is that Angels are real. I can teach this because I’ve seen proof. They’re with us everyday. They’re not just with me, they’re with you. And one of the things people have often asked me is how they can learn to commune with Angels.

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Need for Incarnated Angels


Why do we have a need for Incarnated Angels on the earth? “They are the Teachers, the Healers, the Philosophers, the ones who brought in all harmonious art and music for the world to enjoy.” Many well-known people were and are Incarnated Angels…
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Working With Angels


We understand the Angels will help us achieve our goals and reach the destinations we want to reach in life. Now we should talk about how they can help us bring all this to pass. Getting started… Continue reading

Good Angels vs Lesser Spirits


Your negative thoughts often come from lesser spirits who desire to bring you down, they never come from the Angels. It’s important that you recognize this so you can bring yourself out of the negative state of mind that negative thoughts create.
When you have a negative thought… Continue reading

Archangel Michael Health Advice


While working with Archangel Michael in Psychic Angel Readings and Intuitive Spiritual Counseling…I have always found him to be incredibly helpful with even the most mundane issues, like helping to find our keys and helping to get the job you want.  But more importantly, he also helps us with our health. Continue reading

What is An Angel Reading


An Angel Reading is a psychic reading directed by the Angels of God.
When the concept came to me,, and I began calling my work Angel Readings, I did it because I recognized that the Angels were behind my psychic gifts, and I wanted to give them credit – not wanting all the attention directed towards me, but mostly to the Angels of God. Continue reading

Understanding Angels


Angels possess a great ability to help us in many ways that most people are not aware of. They can intervene in problems and situations that are happening in your life, and even in moments of extreme danger, they can come to rescue you immediately. When could they come into your life? Continue reading

First Angel Readings


There was no such thing as Angel Readings before I started doing them in 1996. By that time in my life, many of my decisions were being directed by Angels, and instead of simply doing “psychic readings”, I felt it was very important to give the credit where credit was due. It was the good Angels, particularly Archangel Michael, that I was working with who gave me the answers to give my clients. Continue reading

Life of Incarnated Angel


As you read what I am saying about Incarnated Angels, you will realize that being one is not necessarily a walk in the park. Being an Incarnated Angel here on this earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.
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Angels In Your Life


How can you achieve what you really want in life? Once you know what you want, can you accomplish it by yourself? Most likely it will be too hard to do alone… Continue reading

Angel Guidance


Our purpose on this earth is to remember our heavenly origin and to learn to help others along the way. While many people forget God, get disconnected from their High Selves, and debate among themselves as to whether or not there is anything beyond the grave… Continue reading