Tag Archives: Angel Readings

Angel Messenger


This is an interview with ZARA, discussing her mission as an Angel Messenger and Advocate… Continue reading

Visit With Buddha


Procrastination about effectively dealing with issues brings continued unhappiness, whereas intelligently facing issues head-on with courage, conviction and truthful determination allows one to develop greater self-respect, integrity and Inner Peace. I learned this as a universal truth that applies to everyone, and I also learned that many problems people face can be solved through an intelligent formula of facing their fears while concurrently letting go of attachment to outcomes.

I came to the understanding from a visit I had with the Buddha. Continue reading

Angel Teachings


Numerous people have asked me to help them discern what their true purpose here on earth really is. After they ask me that, I commune with the Angels so I can give them the answer they are looking for. But since many of the  people who come for Angel Readings are the type who want to do their part to make the world a better place, they expect the Angels to start off my naming the profession they should be involved in, and they usually expect the answer to coincide with something they’ve already thought of… Continue reading

Your Angel Readings


During the Angel Readings I do, I often notice that the people with the best attitudes get the best results… Continue reading

Archangel Michael Health Advice


While working with Archangel Michael in Psychic Angel Readings and Intuitive Spiritual Counseling…I have always found him to be incredibly helpful with even the most mundane issues, like helping to find our keys and helping to get the job you want.  But more importantly, he also helps us with our health. Continue reading

Angel Readings Improve Life


I’m clairaudient and clairvoyant and I have all the psychic skills that go along with being so. In the course of a reading, I begin by saying a prayer…Then I clear out negative entities in order to ensure that we’re only working with the highest and the best. Continue reading

Recognize Incarnated Angels


I had known that I was an Incarnated Angel for many years, but I didn’t know that other people besides myself could be Incarnated Angels until that day… Continue reading

Psychic Angel Reader Miracle


My first day started out that I had 3 appointments scheduled, but none of the three showed up. Obviously, I was thrilled later in the day when my first appointment knocked on my door, but this is just the beginning of the miracle… Continue reading

What is An Angel Reading


An Angel Reading is a psychic reading directed by the Angels of God.
When the concept came to me,, and I began calling my work Angel Readings, I did it because I recognized that the Angels were behind my psychic gifts, and I wanted to give them credit – not wanting all the attention directed towards me, but mostly to the Angels of God. Continue reading

Angels Incarnated


I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading

First Angel Readings


There was no such thing as Angel Readings before I started doing them in 1996. By that time in my life, many of my decisions were being directed by Angels, and instead of simply doing “psychic readings”, I felt it was very important to give the credit where credit was due. It was the good Angels, particularly Archangel Michael, that I was working with who gave me the answers to give my clients. Continue reading

Truth About Incarnated Angels


I feel it is unwise for people to make claims about Incarnated Angels when they have no true knowledge of who the Incarnated Angels are and what their presence here really means. Continue reading

Angel Reading Messages


The messages that come in my Angel Readings do not come to me by accident or happenstance. My work is distinct, it involves my natural, innate psychic ability Continue reading

Psychic Angel Reader


I have been doing professional Psychic Readings for about 22 years. From the first day I started, I have been very successful. At first, I was very surprised, because I didn’t realize that people would respond so positively and so quickly, but they did… Continue reading

Purpose of Incarnated Angels


Several thousand years ago, some good Angels started incarnating as humans. Although, up until 1996, when Archangel Michael revealed the truth about this phenomenon through my mediumship, nobody seemed to know. But they are here, and this is why…

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Good and Bad Angels


Good Angels have always been involved with the earth and helping humanity as long as there have been people. But there are bad angels who are out to destroy us….
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Angels in Human Form


I have been working with Archangel Michael for several years now, and the messages I have received from him have been profoundly moving for thousands of people. One of the most amazing facts that has come up again and again is that angels can incarnate as people. This is especially interesting in terms of the clients that come to me because most of them actually are angels that have come to earth as humans. Continue reading

Angel Soul


At the age of 37, Andrea found out that she was actually an Incarnated Angel. This came as a major epiphany for her, which subsequently changed her viewpoints about everything that had ever happened, was happening, and could ever happen in her life. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels vs the Dark Side


Over the last many centuries, Incarnated Angels have come to earth through the normal process of birth for the express purpose of being a positive influence on humanity. While Incarnated Angels are indeed human, they actually have a different origin from regular people. Most people were created as humans from their beginning, but the ones I call Incarnated Angels were originally created as Angels, before ever incarnating as humans. Continue reading

Avoid Dark Side Attacks

The Dark-Side uses our curiosity, and negative qualities such as greed, foolishness, and ignorance against us.
Besides using our negative qualities against us, they also use our positive qualities as well. But we don’t have to feel trapped, we can side-step Dark-Side attacks. Continue reading