Category Archives: Incarnated Angels

Recognize Incarnated Angels


I had known that I was an Incarnated Angel for many years, but I didn’t know that other people besides myself could be Incarnated Angels until that day… Continue reading

Era Of Truth


As the earth leaves the Age of Pisces and enters the Age of Aquarius, we are now heading into an era of Truth. Truth is always important, even when it’s uncomfortable. Continue reading

Angels Incarnated


I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Work


When you do good work with the idea of helping God help humanity, you are doing your Angel Work. One Incarnated Angel can do a huge amount of good. Of course, how much good they do in life is largely dependent on their personal aspirations, goals and achievements. How can you accomplish what you were sent here to do? Continue reading

Earth Angels Or Incarnated Angels


Have you ever wondered if you were an angel who incarnated as a human, or maybe you’re an earth angel? Especially now, when so many interesting things are happening around us, and so many people are awakening to ideas they were originally closed to, it’s important to know who you really are. Continue reading

Truth About Incarnated Angels


I feel it is unwise for people to make claims about Incarnated Angels when they have no true knowledge of who the Incarnated Angels are and what their presence here really means. Continue reading

Life of Incarnated Angel


As you read what I am saying about Incarnated Angels, you will realize that being one is not necessarily a walk in the park. Being an Incarnated Angel here on this earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.
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About Incarnated Angels


Since I first introduced the concept that some good angels can incarnate as humans in 1996, (Incarnated Angels), countless people have asked me questions about Incarnated Angels, and what this means. Over the years, through answering individual letters and emails, I’ve been able to ascertain what most people want to know on the topic. So now, I’m presenting a series of blog-posts in which I will address the most frequently asked questions. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Dream


For those of you who are truly angels incarnate as humans –living a temporal existence on earth for the time being, I have an important message for you. Continue reading

Good Angels Incarnate


Working directly with Archangel Michael in 1996, I received the message that some good angels incarnate as humans, and through his direction, I brought in the concept that good angels can incarnate as humans. Here is my updated vintage article, first published in 1998 as “Victory of the Angels”, that first began the conversation that some good angels can and do incarnate as humans. Continue reading

Avoid Fear


When the fake plandemic started, the Angels and I warned people not to get into fear. Fear shows lack of trust in God, and it’s totally against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As a matter of fact, in the Bible, it says not to fear 365 times! Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Humans


From the beginning, in 1996, when I first started doing readings at Stargazers Bookstore in Bellevue, Washington, the people who came to see me were deeply moved by the readings that I gave them. And no wonder…The angels were speaking to them and they could feel it. Their lives were being changed in a very good way. Many who had felt hopeless and distraught for years were finding the keys they needed to change their perspectives and find great hope and vision for a better future–one, which in many cases, was radically better than their past. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels on Earth


At this point, you may realize that being an Incarnated Angel is not a “walk in the park”. Being an Incarnated Angel on earth is like being a soldier in the trenches. If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, keep in mind that you volunteered… Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Love


As Angels incarnating as humans, it is especially important for you to love one another. Love is the key.
But how do you do that when others have wronged you? Continue reading

Purpose of Incarnated Angels


Several thousand years ago, some good Angels started incarnating as humans. Although, up until 1996, when Archangel Michael revealed the truth about this phenomenon through my mediumship, nobody seemed to know. But they are here, and this is why…

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Angel Reader


I’m an Angel Reader.

One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years. Continue reading

Angels as Humans


I believe that Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament.

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Angels in Human Form


I have been working with Archangel Michael for several years now, and the messages I have received from him have been profoundly moving for thousands of people. One of the most amazing facts that has come up again and again is that angels can incarnate as people. This is especially interesting in terms of the clients that come to me because most of them actually are angels that have come to earth as humans. Continue reading

Angel Readings and Self Awareness


When people have their first session with me, the information that comes through, they say, is like a fountain of understanding and wisdom. The Good Angels that I work with have taught me well over the years, and they’ve shown me many things in detail that most other readers and counselors don’t seem to notice or apprehend. Then I’m able to explain these things to the clients in ways they’re able to understand. Continue reading

Importance Of Angels


For several decades, it seemed as though practically nobody really believed in Angels. It seems that most people, at that time, thought that the whole concept of Angels had become outdated, and was only a thing of the past… Continue reading