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ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: God
Angels on Earth
Over the past few years, many people from all over the world have awakened to the fact that they are really Incarnated Angels. Although they may not consciously have known before, because of an important energy shift currently taking place, God and good angels of the ethereal realm are waking some people up to their true identity as Incarnated Angels. Continue reading
Spiritual Journey
I’ve have been blessed to have many Divine experiences in my lifetime…experiences that have shaped my life, helped bring me to the place where I am now, opened up my abilities and have given me a new closeness and understanding of God and the Divine. Continue reading
Angels On Earth
Over the past few years, many people from all over the world have awakened to the fact that they really are Incarnated Angels. Something they may not consciously have known before… Continue reading
Evil doesn’t like good, they are the complete opposite. In the beginning, one-third of all the angels, became fallen angels, or demons, and became evil. In fact, that’s when evil initially came into being. Continue reading
Humans and Angels
Almost everyone agrees that in the beginning, God was all that existed. Imagine this…There was no one else for God to talk to. There was only God. After a while, God decided to create other beings besides Him/Herself, and that’s what God did… Continue reading
True Incarnated Angels
True Incarnated Angels do not need to think they are somebody famous. They may realize the importance of their mission, but they’re not particularly interested in stroking their ego, and they don’t claim to be any of the archangels. In other words, there’s a big difference between true Incarnated Angels and deluded individuals. Continue reading
Believing In Angels
Hello Zara, I have a question…
You’re a highly Spiritual person, and a steadfast believer of Angels, and you also know how to perceive them, as well as communicate with them. What was the trigger that started you on this path? What were the experiences that have helped you fasten your faith so greatly?”
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Opening Your Chakras
The following is a question sent to me by a client: As an Incarnated Angel, does our chakra system differ from those of others, or is there such a thing? What I mean is every soul has a subtle body. As an incarnated Angel, does our etheric or Astral body differ in anyway?” Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Messengers of God
Since Archangel Michael first told me that angels can incarnate as humans, and revealed that certain clients who come to see me are Incarnated Angels, I felt that how I disclosed the information about Incarnated Angels/Earth Angels, was a big responsibility, and to honor the truth, I proceeded with care. Continue reading
Interacting With Angels
Question Sent In By Client: What do you recommend others do in order to experience a tangible and prominent change, and how to vividly communicate with the Angels and the Archangels?” See what my answer is… Continue reading
Finding Purpose
If the question about finding PURPOSE is affecting you right now, and if you want desperately, or at the very least, importantly, to discover your purpose so you can potentially align yourself with that purpose, here are some ideas that may help…. Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Presence
If life is so difficult, and the ways of this world so foreign to Incarnated Angels, why do they incarnate here in the first place, and why should they stay? Continue reading
Angels From God
It’s important to think about angels….And when you do, remember to think about them as they truly are – divine and powerful emissaries from God. Continue reading
God And Angels
Now, more than ever before, we need God and the Angels in our lives. The reason for this is obvious to those who stand apart from the crowd, and are willing to look objectively at what’s been happening—especially the Incarnated Angels. Continue reading
Attitude of Gratitude
The Angels and I want you to imagine, right now, that you’ve just had a good night’s sleep and you’re just waking up in the morning. And, right now, with that happy thought fresh in your mind, just allow yourself to sincerely say the words, “Thank you for this wonderful day! Thank you, God! Thank you Angels!” Continue reading
Angels Help
Angels are beautiful Beings created by God, and some of them are assigned by God to serve humanity. Although people do not normally see or hear them, the Angels do interact in our lives more than we could possibly know. Continue reading
Spiritual Awareness
Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. For those who are aware, what do they yearn for, and how can they achieve it? Continue reading
War In Heaven
As I’ve said many times before, some people are Incarnated Angels…While all humans are children of God, Incarnated Angels, who were also made by God, were created earlier. In days of old, as is recorded in the Bible, there once was a war in Heaven… Continue reading
What is An Angel Reading
An Angel Reading is a psychic reading directed by the Angels of God.
When the concept came to me,, and I began calling my work Angel Readings, I did it because I recognized that the Angels were behind my psychic gifts, and I wanted to give them credit – not wanting all the attention directed towards me, but mostly to the Angels of God. Continue reading
Presence of Angels
Over the past few decades, angels have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. And in fact, angels are supernal beings created by Divine Essence long before humankind. Continue reading