Category Archives: Angels

Help for Angels


I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading

Commune With Angels


We all need angels in our lives, and fortunately for us, angels are real. I know this because I’ve been talking with angels for most of my life. And in my communion with them, I have discovered a good deal about what is important about us from the angels’ perspective. While I have known many people who’ve said that angels must be too busy to bother with them–thinking of themselves as somewhat insignificant, the truth is, the angels are not only Continue reading

Angels are Real


We all need angels in our lives, and fortunately for us,angels are real. I know this because I’ve been communing with angels for most of my life. And in my communion with them, I have discovered a good deal about what is important about us from the angels’ perspective. Continue reading

Angel Numbers


The best way to become aware of your Guardian Angels is to talk to them. They may be invisible, but they still hear you. And when you talk to them, they will respond, and their responses will increase your faith in the reality of your Guardian Angels.

The Guardian Angels might respond by causing you to notice repeating numbers. Continue reading

Dark Side Attack


In my capacity as Angel-Reader and Spiritual Counselor, I often get calls from people who are under spiritual attack. Although their descriptions vary, there is a common line that one can detect when paying attention. Some of the specifics I hear about involve several things in their lives going suddenly and radically askew. Examples can include: Continue reading

Angels Message


True Light workers are motivated very differently from other people. They workers are actually Angels who have incarnated here on Earth to help. They came here originally to help Spirit, to bring you a message, and to be an example for the humans, so that humans would not have to be here alone. Continue reading

Famous Incarnated Angels


The dark side is composed of beings who are sworn enemies of goodness and they know that Incarnated Angels are here to help humans and be a good influence. They want this to stop and they will stoop to any means to do so… Continue reading

Learn To Communicate With Angels


One of the most common questions I’m hearing from my clients lately is: “How can I learn to communicate with Angels?”
That’s a great question! It’s not hard, here’s how you do it… Continue reading

Akashic Records and Truth


Tapping into the Akashic records, and getting the Truth according to the Angels can be incredibly, healthfully life-transforming. It comes across as an incredible miracle when a person, having been depressed by heavy abusive experience, suddenly experiences Angelic vindication. When they hear their own story—spoken from the Angelic view-point—they begin to realize that the Truth they knew in the first place was recorded by the Angels as it actually occurred. Then they can begin to regain their dignity, and, with the assistance of the Angels, they are ready to heal. As I do Angelic healing and therapeutic counseling, I find many whose lives have been immeasurably harmed by the lies and conscious manipulations of others. Sometimes they have lived in torment for many years. Continue reading

Ask Guardian Angel


“The wisdom of the ages teaches that each individual, whether a believer or not, good or bad, old or young, sick or well, rich or poor, has a personal Guardian Angel with him or her at every moment of life’s journey.”

It is wonderful to know that you have a Guardian Angel, and it is even more wonderful to know that you actually have the ability to contact your Guardian Angel in order to get some of the comfort and insight you need. Continue reading

Finding Life Purpose Part 2


Finding your life’s purpose is one of the most important things you can do in this life, for you, for those around you and for Spirit. This last of the 4 steps to finding your purpose is possibly the most important step, one you should definitely not ignore. Continue reading

Finding Life Purpose


Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is of the utmost importance. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose. Have you discovered what your is and how to fulfill it? Continue reading

Soul of Incarnated Angels


Some of the people that you know may be Incarnated Angels. In fact, you, yourself, may be an Incarnated Angel…So what is an Incarnated Angel? It is a person who has led their life as a regular human, and yet, even without their consciously knowing it, really have the soul of an Angel. Continue reading

Remember Dreams


In order to be of assistance to those of you who don’t want to live in the fears of the day, I decided to write this article about dreams, which I believe will help you relax. Continue reading

Angel Reading Miracles


I’m often pleasantly surprised when people, calling me for the first time, enthusiastically share their stories about how they found me. I’ve heard astonishing reports so many times now, that I know for sure the Angels are behind it all. It couldn’t be mere coincidence. Yes, the Angels are the ones who make these miracles happen! Continue reading

Angels Health Advice


With the Angels’ assistance, I’ve been on a major campaign to improve my health, and since it seems to be working, I want to share some of what I’ve learned with you. My intention is to inspire you to make changes in your lifestyle and improve your health. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Reincarnation


While some people believe that incarnated angels started coming to the earth in the 1970’s, and that this life is actually their first life as humans, according to Archangel Michael, Incarnated Angels have had many past lives before this one. In fact, if it weren’t for good incarnated angels having influenced mankind through the ages, our world, and humankind, would already be lost. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Temptation


Since, through my personal private Angel Readings with thousands beginning in August 1996, and in a variety of articles published as early as 1998, I introduced the concept of Incarnated Angels to the world, I will answer Incarnated Angel questions accurately–thus helping to clear up any misconceptions that have appeared on the Internet, etc., on this very important topic.

On this post, I will answer ONE important FAQ, and in future posts, I will continue with more FAQ’s and more answers for YOU! Continue reading

Crystal Energy


Everything in this world has energy, including crystals, which have powerful healing energy in them. This is how I like to use them and what they can do for you Continue reading

Incarnated Angels the Truth


Within my Angel Readings, in addition to things that are verifiable, at one point, through my mediumship, the angels started telling me that certain people who came to me for Readings were really Incarnated Angels- i.e., angels that had incarnated in the world as humans. Continue reading