Find Spiritual Counselor


Some Spiritual Counselors and other health practitioners are deeply and fully committed to working on the side of good, as am I, and that type of commitment attracts good Angels, and repels the bad ones. But others aren’t as careful…how do you find the right one? Continue reading

Inner Child Healing


Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the Inner Child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual we will call Erin, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, verbalized that she “had already worked out her inner Child issues” long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed us that there were still issues concerning her Inner Child that were definitely holding her back. Continue reading

Receive Angels Help


We are living in a time of change. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to keep track. In fact, lately, even very spiritual people are so seriously challenged by all the changes in our daily lives, we sometimes wonder, “What’s up?” For this reason, now more than ever, we need the help of angels in our lives. But how do we allow them to help us? Continue reading

Questions For ZARA


There are probably many questions that you would like to ask ZARA, but have never, or may never have the chance…these are some questions and answers that were asked of her during an inteview that might give you the understanding you are looking for. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Positive Manifestation


The reason I am writing this article is to teach and encourage Incarnated Angels to use their abilities of consciously manifesting their beneficial, positive ideas in order to help create positive realities for themselves and others. Continue reading

Talk With Angels


From the beginning, the information I’ve given about Incarnated Angels, otherwise known as Earth Angels, is pure because it comes directly from Archangel Michael, who told me that the majority of people who are continually attracted to my work and come to me for Angel Readings are Incarnated Angels. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Humanity


Incarnated Angels are actually good angels from on high who have incarnated into a human body for the specific purpose of helping God by doing their best to positively influence the earth and humanity…this is how important their work is… Continue reading

Angels Among Us


I’m an Angel Reader. One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth, angels who are among us who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years. Continue reading

What are Incarnated Angels?


There was a time when the good angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a human body and interacted with humans, but things changed… Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Life Path


Question from client: “What I’ve personally noticed is that, like me, the other incarnated Angels I’ve spoken with don’t seem to have a particular interest in achieving goals related to worldly jobs, but rather I feel we are more left brained people. Due to this we often tend to feel useless or pointless. How would an Incarnated Angel tackle such issues? Continue reading



Evil doesn’t like good, they are the complete opposite. In the beginning, one-third of all the angels, became fallen angels, or demons, and became evil. In fact, that’s when evil initially came into being.

An interesting fact worth noting is that e-v-i-l is actually l-i-v-e spelled backwards…significant because the angels who chose evil chose everything backwards from that point. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels Act Intuitively


Many clients who come to me for Angel Readings begin by mentioning that they’ve just realized that they are either an Incarnated Angel or an Earth Angel, (which are actually two different designations for the same phenomenon), and they want to know what to do to fulfill their purpose.   Continue reading

Angel Soul Mates


Over the past decades, innumerable clients have asked me about Soulmates. Sometimes they’re looking for their Soulmate.
Sometimes they recently met someone who could be their Soulmate. Sometimes they’re married to their Soulmate. Usually, what they really mean is “Twin Flames”, but they’re using the term interchangeably with Soulmate. Continue reading

Book About Angel Readings


I’ve been talking about writing a book for close to 20 years. I’ve started writing it at least 5 times, but have never been satisfied with the drafts. I have decided it’s time to accomplish my goal. But in order to do so, it will require me to make these changes… Continue reading

Archangel Michaels Insights Part 2


This is the continuation and final part of this article…

Archangel Michael came through in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers on several important topics. These insights were recorded by J.M. Continue reading

Angel Reading Experience


My Angel Readings are very interactive, so you will definitely get the opportunity to talk about your background, etc., within the session. You may also send me a brief paragraph concerning things you want me to know before the session. Continue reading

Repeating Numbers


Everyone is noticing it… 11:11; 10:10; 1:23, 2:22; 4:44; 3:33; and various other combinations. Why are we noticing it now, and what’s it all about? Continue reading

Online Psychic Angel Readings


Over the last several years, as clients call or write to schedule their Psychic Angel Readings with me, increasingly more of them want their Angel Readings over Skype, Google Hang-Outs or I’m more than willing to accommodate their needs, and in doing so, I’ve discovered that modern day videoconferencing is an excellent way to carry out my very practical and spiritual Psychic Angel Reading sessions, and here is further information to help you consider having your next Psychic Angel Reading over videoconferencing. Continue reading

Demons on Earth

Fallen Angels are Demons - Angel Readings by ZARA

Demons are beings that were once angels, but who rebelled against God. They then came to be called ‘fallen angels’, otherwise known as demons. In the Angel Readings I do, the good angels and I clear many negative effects the demons have caused in the people’s lives, and this “clearing” helps the clients to understand more of what actually happened to them, Continue reading

Types of Angels

Types of Angels - ZARA

I work with good angels in all choirs, especially angels and archangels; but the one I work with the most is Archangel Michael. Some angels have the job description of Guardian Angels and of course I work with them as well. Continue reading