ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Akashic Records
The Akashic Record

People come to me because the angels lead them to do so. They either see my picture, or read something about me, or hear about me from a friend, or a combination of the above, and something tells them they need to come to me. I can teach them to essentially do one thing differently that profoundly helps them to improve their lives. This, coupled with the energy clearing I do brings about huge changes for the better in people’s lives. Continue reading
Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are records kept by angels concerning every detail of your life. Almost no one realizes how closely the angels follow people all their lives. But the fact is, the angels watch over each of us, and they keep track of every little thing that happens. Continue reading
Angels And Religion

Many people believe that the Angels support religious and traditional beliefs, but from my experience over the past ten years as an Angel Reader, I have found that Angels are far more broad-minded and empathetic than most people think. Continue reading
Angel Reading Blessings

My Angel Readings are to connect you with the help of the Angels, and to help you live your life with purpose and joy… Continue reading
ZARAs Psychic Angel Readings

If you haven’t met me yet, I am ZARA, and my joy and my passion is to perform Psychic Angel Readings. I am a Clairsentient and Intuitive Angel Reader. Why do I do what I do? Continue reading
Angel Messenger

This is an interview with ZARA, discussing her mission as an Angel Messenger and Advocate… Continue reading
Angel Readings Improve Life

I’m clairaudient and clairvoyant and I have all the psychic skills that go along with being so. In the course of a reading, I begin by saying a prayer…Then I clear out negative entities in order to ensure that we’re only working with the highest and the best. Continue reading
Akashic Records and Truth

Tapping into the Akashic records, and getting the Truth according to the Angels can be incredibly, healthfully life-transforming. It comes across as an incredible miracle when a person, having been depressed by heavy abusive experience, suddenly experiences Angelic vindication. When they hear their own story—spoken from the Angelic view-point—they begin to realize that the Truth they knew in the first place was recorded by the Angels as it actually occurred. Then they can begin to regain their dignity, and, with the assistance of the Angels, they are ready to heal. As I do Angelic healing and therapeutic counseling, I find many whose lives have been immeasurably harmed by the lies and conscious manipulations of others. Sometimes they have lived in torment for many years. Continue reading
Using the Akashic Records

The fact that there are angels with us all the time, recording every detail in our lives in our Akashic Record, can help you begin to understand how important each and every one of your decisions really is. Continue reading
Akashic Record Clearing

One of the things I do within my Psychic Angel Readings is to clear out negativity from the Akashic Records, so my clients can have easier and happier lives. When new clients call to schedule a Reading with me, they sometimes ask me to describe what I do in my Readings and also what is meant by the Akashic Records. Continue reading
ZARAs Angel Readings

The reason I chose to call my sessions “Angel Readings” rather than simply “Psychic Readings”, is because I had received messages that the good angels, particularly Archangel Michael, wanted to work through my mediumship, and I understood that this was my mission. The Angels asked me to use my natural gifts and work with them, so I could help Incarnated Angels and other people get clarity and angel guidance in their lives. Continue reading
Akashic Records Healing

Metaphysically oriented people generally believe that good prevails over evil, but sometimes, when we look at the “reality” we are faced with in life, we start to wonder if life is fair at all. The problem with metaphysical “light beings” is that we usually believe in Truth so much, we often reveal more than is necessary and later find ourselves in unjustly compromising situations in which unscrupulous people can twist the truth in order to hurt and control us. Continue reading
Angels Transform Lives

During my Psychic Angel Readings, I have witnessed many people suddenly comprehend that they have a variety of choices in their lives that they never knew they had. This is how the Angels work. They give us different options and show us how we can transform our lives. Continue reading
Angels and Akashic Records

The Akashic Records exist in the mind of God. Within the mind of God, everything you ever said, did, or thought in your lifetime was recorded by the angels. Just as a tape or video recorder records everything that is happening around it when it’s on, so it is with things that happen in your life. They’re just recorded. The recordings are made without judgment. They simply exist. They are made by a loving God, so that when you die, for instance, you can go though a full life-review, and … Continue reading
Akashic Records Clearing Negativity

Can negativity really be cleared from the Akashic Records, and if so,how does that help? The answer is: Yes! A great deal of negativity can be cleared from the Akashic Records and in fact, some of the karma can be cleared…this is how it works…
This is how it works:
People come to me because the angels lead them to do so. They either see my picture, or read something about me, or hear about me from a friend, or a combination of the above, and something tells them they need to come to me. Continue reading
The Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records? These are records kept by angels concerning every detail of our lives. Almost no one realizes how closely the angels follow people all their lives. But the fact is, the angels watch over each of us, and they keep track of every little thing that happens. They keep track of our actions, our experiences and our thoughts. Every detail is recorded. Continue reading

I started doing Angel Readings in 1996. At that time I was the only one giving this type of reading. Because it wasn’t heard of I was invited to speak on TV, radio, and many other places giving me the opportunity to explain what my readings were like and how they could be so helpful… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Act Intuitively

Many clients who come to me for Angel Readings begin by mentioning that they’ve just realized that they are either an Incarnated Angel or an Earth Angel, (which are actually two different designations for the same phenomenon), and they want to know what to do to fulfill their purpose. Continue reading