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Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: God
Finding Your Purpose
As we approach a new year, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about getting in touch with who you really are, your life purpose, and what life is really about. Continue reading
Angels and Humans
The belief in angels is very widespread, yet most people not only do not know the origin of the angels’ existence, they also do not know how the relationship between angels and humans became profound, so in the spirit of helping people understand what really may have happened, I’m sharing the following story. Continue reading
War Between Good And Evil
We are living through what I believe is the most momentous time in human history—when the biggest war of all time, between good and evil, is not only happening but is about to culminate… Continue reading
It started in a dream. I found myself standing in a transparent, violet-light structure. There was only enough room for me, and no one else. In front of where I stood was a control panel, and I suddenly realized I knew how to use it. I knew how to use this Merkaba Continue reading
Angels In Your Life
How can you achieve what you really want in life? Once you know what you want, can you accomplish it by yourself? Most likely it will be too hard to do alone… Continue reading
Avoid Fear
When the fake plandemic started, the Angels and I warned people not to get into fear. Fear shows lack of trust in God, and it’s totally against the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As a matter of fact, in the Bible, it says not to fear 365 times! Continue reading
Angel Guidance
Our purpose on this earth is to remember our heavenly origin and to learn to help others along the way. While many people forget God, get disconnected from their High Selves, and debate among themselves as to whether or not there is anything beyond the grave… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels on Earth
At this point, you may realize that being an Incarnated Angel is not a “walk in the park”. Being an Incarnated Angel on earth is like being a soldier in the trenches. If you think you may be an Incarnated Angel, keep in mind that you volunteered… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Love
As Angels incarnating as humans, it is especially important for you to love one another. Love is the key.
But how do you do that when others have wronged you? Continue reading
Incarnated Angels
There was a time when the Good Angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. But soon that all had to change…
Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a Continue reading
Good and Bad Angels
Good Angels have always been involved with the earth and helping humanity as long as there have been people. But there are bad angels who are out to destroy us….
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Incarnated Angels vs the Dark Side
Over the last many centuries, Incarnated Angels have come to earth through the normal process of birth for the express purpose of being a positive influence on humanity. While Incarnated Angels are indeed human, they actually have a different origin from regular people. Most people were created as humans from their beginning, but the ones I call Incarnated Angels were originally created as Angels, before ever incarnating as humans. Continue reading
Choose Faith Over Fear
We are now living in the time spoken of in The Book of Revelations…a time when there is much to be fearful of. But you can choose faith over fear and find joy in life… Continue reading
Learn To Communicate With Angels
One of the most common questions I’m hearing from my clients lately is: “How can I learn to communicate with Angels?”
That’s a great question! It’s not hard, here’s how you do it… Continue reading
Healing With Crystals
We are living in a very stressful time, and our bodies and our emotions are having a hard time coping with the resultant continual pressure. We need to heal. Fortunately, crystals, created by God, and programmed by angels of light, have numerous blessings to share. Continue reading
Find Peace And Happiness
At this time, while people on earth are going through such an incredibly challenging time, many are feeling not only confused, but hopeless. So because of this, the Angels are inspiring me to write some helpful tips about how to find peace within, and thus be able to feel really happy. Continue reading
Gain Spiritual Knowledge
My experience is that everything we learn in the Inner Retreats is useful and fun, and that the spiritual questions that used to puzzle you get answered. Continue reading
Defining Life Purpose
Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is very important. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose, which you can do using these four steps. Continue reading
Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans
In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading
Mandela Effect and New Earth
We have shifted into the Age of Aquarius and the New Earth, how can that affect your life? You might be amazed at the wonderful changes that could occur in your life when you are open to them… Continue reading