Category Archives: Angels

Guardian Angel Miracles


Have you ever had a conscious experience with your Guardian Angel? Many people have, and some have shared their genuine personal experiences of Guardian Angels with me, and now, I’d like to share some of their stories with you. Continue reading

Choirs of Angels


This article is to help you understand the different Types or Choirs of Angels as well as what each type does… Continue reading

Ask The Angels


Angels reveal that a major step in accomplishing your worthwhile goals is to ask Spirit for assistance.

“Ask and ye shall receive…”

But before you can ask for what you want, you’ve got to know what you want first. Continue reading

Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans


In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading

Messages Through Numbers


Since 2010, people’s interest in numbers has gotten even stronger. I, myself, am noticing numbers that are virtually speaking to me every single day! I see 9:09, 8:08, 12:34, 12:12, 10:01, and all the triple numbers. Have you noticed them? Continue reading

Flying with Seraphim Angels


Having stayed in an oppressive situation far too long, and feeling resigned to continue indefinitely, I went to sleep at night only to be metaphorically awakened in a lucid dream in which I found myself flying through the universe, soaring Superman-style through colorful dimensions. All at once, I became aware that my right hand was being held by someone. Looking to my right, I beheld a huge powerful presence, a Seraphim angel Continue reading

Your Guardian Angel


Everyone has a Guardian Angel from birth, and that means you do as well. In fact, you may even have more than one. Some people have two or three! Do you know yours?

Have you ever noticed that you get extra protection just when you need it even when it looks like you are out of luck? Sometimes scary things happen in your life when you least expect it. Continue reading

Transition To New Earth


As of December 21st, 2020, our world has entered a new cycle—an entirely unfamiliar reality to humankind which is called the New Earth, also correlating to the Age of Aquarius. This is a huge transition, one where we can use all the help we can get… Continue reading

Remembering Understanding Dreams


I absolutely love dreams, and I love helping people, within the Angel Readings that I do, understand the meaning of their dreams. Do you remember your dreams, and do you understand their meaning? Continue reading

Akashic Records Healing

Scales ofTruth-AngelReadingsByZARA

Metaphysically oriented people generally believe that good prevails over evil, but sometimes, when we look at the “reality” we are faced with in life, we start to wonder if life is fair at all. The problem with metaphysical “light beings” is that we usually believe in Truth so much, we often reveal more than is necessary and later find ourselves in unjustly compromising situations in which unscrupulous people can twist the truth in order to hurt and control us. Continue reading

Feeling Gratitude


I’ve noticed that people often think about problems in life, and what they’d like to change. But how often do we stop and feel gratitude and think about how lucky we are to have what we already have? Continue reading

Earth Angels are Needed


I’m a Psychic Angel Messenger, and one of the my favorite phrases is “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. And the reason I like it is because that saying validates what I have noticed: That although it sees like things are changing, people remain the same – and in many ways, so does the world. Continue reading

Amazing Spiritual Journey


My Amazing Spiritual Journey Being an Angel Reader has been interesting, fascinating and fun. I enjoy talking to people and sharing information given to me by the Angels. I watch how this work helps so many people and changes their … Continue reading

Fallen Angels Agenda


If you stop for a moment and think of the world around you, you will know that things are not right. There are too many wars, too much corruption and too much hate. Everywhere you look, there’s a lack of honoring of life, love, kindness, and important values like self-control, authenticity and integrity. Continue reading

Fight The Darkside


Would you believe, that while the world is apparently in upheaval and chaos, it is actually being brought into God’s order. This will not be the plan the dark side has had in mind Continue reading

Channelling Archangel Michael


These words of wisdom Archangel Michael spoke that day, a few years ago were so profound and important for the time we were going through, and are going through now, I have chosen to share this with you so his message can continue to spread and give you the hope and courage to continue forward in defeating the dark side. Continue reading

Jumping to Conclusions


First…why do people jump to conclusions? In my work with God and Angels in the Angel Readings I do, I’ve realized that people’s minds are geared to putting parts of things together to make a whole. We do this in an attempt to understand our environment, to keep ourselves safe, and to make sense of things around us. Continue reading

Fallen Angels


Who are the Angels that fell from Grace, and what led them to start an insurrection against God? Continue reading

Psychic Reading Benefits


In the course of a reading, I start by saying a prayer. Then I quickly clear negative entities out, which in itself is a huge service. I do this so that the information that comes through will be from the highest and the best – always from the Angels. Then information about YOU on the deepest level of your soul can start pouring through – things the Angels have always wanted to tell you, but which you could not hear and in this way, they bring insight and direction to you through my mediumship. Continue reading

Turmoil And Chaos


During these interesting times we’re living through, you may have found yourself more tuned into the guidance of God and Good Angels than you were previously. One thing I find very interesting is that many people have told me… Continue reading