Finding Life Purpose


Each of us came to this earth to accomplish something, and according to the Angels, finding that something and actually doing it is of the utmost importance. Before birth, each of us made a plan to fulfill a worthwhile purpose. Have you discovered what your is and how to fulfill it? Continue reading

Healing With Crystals


We are living in a very stressful time, and our bodies and our emotions are having a hard time coping with the resultant continual pressure. We need to heal. Fortunately, crystals, created by God, and programmed by angels of light, have numerous blessings to share. Continue reading

Soul of Incarnated Angels


Some of the people that you know may be Incarnated Angels. In fact, you, yourself, may be an Incarnated Angel…So what is an Incarnated Angel? It is a person who has led their life as a regular human, and yet, even without their consciously knowing it, really have the soul of an Angel. Continue reading

Find Peace And Happiness


At this time, while people on earth are going through such an incredibly challenging time, many are feeling not only confused, but hopeless. So because of this, the Angels are inspiring me to write some helpful tips about how to find peace within, and thus be able to feel really happy. Continue reading

Archangel Michael on Peace


We are on the verge of something wonderful. Because of all the light that is presently flooding our planet, a huge change for the better is scheduled to arrive very soon. Continue reading

Remember Dreams


In order to be of assistance to those of you who don’t want to live in the fears of the day, I decided to write this article about dreams, which I believe will help you relax. Continue reading

Angel Reading Miracles


I’m often pleasantly surprised when people, calling me for the first time, enthusiastically share their stories about how they found me. I’ve heard astonishing reports so many times now, that I know for sure the Angels are behind it all. It couldn’t be mere coincidence. Yes, the Angels are the ones who make these miracles happen! Continue reading

Angels Health Advice


With the Angels’ assistance, I’ve been on a major campaign to improve my health, and since it seems to be working, I want to share some of what I’ve learned with you. My intention is to inspire you to make changes in your lifestyle and improve your health. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Reincarnation


While some people believe that incarnated angels started coming to the earth in the 1970’s, and that this life is actually their first life as humans, according to Archangel Michael, Incarnated Angels have had many past lives before this one. In fact, if it weren’t for good incarnated angels having influenced mankind through the ages, our world, and humankind, would already be lost. Continue reading

Incarnated Angels and Temptation


Since, through my personal private Angel Readings with thousands beginning in August 1996, and in a variety of articles published as early as 1998, I introduced the concept of Incarnated Angels to the world, I will answer Incarnated Angel questions accurately–thus helping to clear up any misconceptions that have appeared on the Internet, etc., on this very important topic.

On this post, I will answer ONE important FAQ, and in future posts, I will continue with more FAQ’s and more answers for YOU! Continue reading

Crystal Energy


Everything in this world has energy, including crystals, which have powerful healing energy in them. This is how I like to use them and what they can do for you Continue reading

Incarnated Angels the Truth


Within my Angel Readings, in addition to things that are verifiable, at one point, through my mediumship, the angels started telling me that certain people who came to me for Readings were really Incarnated Angels- i.e., angels that had incarnated in the world as humans. Continue reading

5-D Vibration


What It Means To Get Stabilized in the 5-D Vibration of God Now is a very exciting time to live. As everyone who’s living now knows, our entire earth has become very strange, and far different from anything we’ve experienced … Continue reading

Using the Akashic Records


The fact that there are angels with us all the time, recording every detail in our lives in our Akashic Record, can help you begin to understand how important each and every one of your decisions really is. Continue reading

Akashic Record Clearing


One of the things I do within my Psychic Angel Readings is to clear out negativity from the Akashic Records, so my clients can have easier and happier lives. When new clients call to schedule a Reading with me, they sometimes ask me to describe what I do in my Readings and also what is meant by the Akashic Records. Continue reading

Angels Presence


The best way to be aware that Angels are present in your life is to know and understand some of the simple methods the angels have of communicating their presence to us.

They can appear as flashes of light. They can make audible sounds in your home, your car or wherever you are–sounds such as taps and clicks in the wall, the furniture, the ceiling, or the roof of your car. Continue reading

Incarnated Angel Influence


Angels, Incarnated as humans, have been living on earth, trying to lead, influence, and help humans, for thousands of years. But this earth has more than just Incarnated Angels trying to influence the fate of humanity…but the dark side is at work also. Continue reading



My experience with angels started in my early childhood. I had been very deeply traumatized by tragedy in my family. The Angels came to me then, and have been with me ever since…these are a couple of my experiences. Continue reading

Guardian Angel Miracles


Have you ever had a conscious experience with your Guardian Angel? Many people have, and some have shared their genuine personal experiences of Guardian Angels with me, and now, I’d like to share some of their stories with you. Continue reading

Gain Spiritual Knowledge


My experience is that everything we learn in the Inner Retreats is useful and fun, and that the spiritual questions that used to puzzle you get answered. Continue reading