How My Discoveries As An Angel Reader Can Help You

Recognizing the gifts in others…
Others are gifted as well, only sometimes they don’t know it and I like to bring it out in them. As a matter of fact, everyone has some psychic ability, and I enjoy helping people realize their abilities, and learn to tune in to their guides and Angels for assistance.
This does not preclude working with me, because the more aware the become of their gifts, the more they tend to recognize their need for direction from one in the physical realm who has already traveled the Spiritual path and who knows. When clients recognize this, they work with me even more and with greater regularity because they want to grow and they also want the Spiritual benefits. Then, with this humble attitude, I am able to give them greater help because, with their new knowledge, they are more open.
What I discover in many of the Readings I do…
Sometimes people are sad because they feel that others – often family members – do not like or understand them. When I hear this, I am able to look at the situation with my psychic abilities and find the source of the problem. Then, I help my client by describing the exact situation, the people’s attitudes and how they came to their conclusions. In many cases, the problem lies in the realm of other people’s prejudices. In most cases, the ones who come to me are not the ones who have caused the situation. Often, they are innocent victims of other people’s abuse. Family members and other acquaintances’ jealousy, unkindness and judgmental attitudes associated with conventional thinking and behavior get in the way and often the person gets marginalized. This marginalization causes them to feel hurt, misunderstood, frustrated and angry. I like to help release my clients who are often angelic humans or Incarnated Angels from these bad feelings and teach them to come from a happier and more powerful place.
When I see the general scenario of marginalization, I help my clients understand what has really happened. This helps them to know that someone understands and can delineate the exact problem to them, and that person is me. As we go over their individual situations, the Angels and I help them see everything from a happier and truer perspective, and often before long, they are laughing and feeling lighter and happier than they have felt in years. They then realize that not only were they not as much at fault as others may have wanted them to feel, but also that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
And yes, before talking with me, they often think almost all of the challenges they face are of their own doing. This attitude is in the popular culture in many societies, as many belief systems throughout the world teach that if something bad happens to you, it must be your fault. But often, I’m able to show them that they had been manipulated and forced into situations they couldn’t possibly control, so it’s not as much their fault as they thought it was. Then, after “clearing their programs” through the energy work I do, I teach them new methods of behavior to effectively deal with similar situations in the future.
Let the Angels and me help you begin to heal…Schedule your private session with me, and we can work together, with the Angels, to clear any issues you might have, and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.
Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness, no matter what is going on around you.
Please Contact Me and call me at: (425) 741-9752