Tag Archives: Psychic

Spiritual Shifts


A good percentage of people are currently experiencing a spiritual shift. The reason for this shift is largely because we are now moving into the Age of Aquarius, and the energy on the planet is becoming very different from the way it was before. Continue reading

Role of Incarnated Angels


Since 1996, I have been working through articles, lectures, and one-on-one therapeutic sessions to share important, completely accurate information concerning what Incarnated Angels are, how they can recognize and understand themselves, and how, from that point, they can proceed successfully in their life’s journey. Continue reading

Expand Intuitive Skills


To begin…it’s important to realize that everyone has intuition–even if it’s latent. So right now, within yourself, just realize that you have intuition too, and that it’s quite possible to increase your ability to receive intuitive messages both from your own High Self and from the Angels above, if you’re willing to make the effort. Continue reading

Who Are Incarnated Angels


Archangel Gabriel’s message was compelling. “Remember who you are” he said. “You are an Angel. You came here to help the divine plan. It is important that you recognize your true heritage so that you can quickly get on with your mission…” Continue reading

Angels and Akashic Records


The Akashic Records exist in the mind of God. Within the mind of God, everything you ever said, did, or thought in your lifetime was recorded by the angels. Just as a tape or video recorder records everything that is happening around it when it’s on, so it is with things that happen in your life. They’re just recorded. The recordings are made without judgment. They simply exist. They are made by a loving God, so that when you die, for instance, you can go though a full life-review, and … Continue reading

Angels Good and Bad

The only Angels I care to deal with are good Angels. I stay away from the bad ones, and I absolutely do not allow bad angels to influence my Readings. Continue reading

Why Go To Psychics


Throughout time, people have sought out readers, mediums and psychics to get answers about their most important concerns. Every person on this earth needs guidance at times. They reach out to and trust psychics because… Continue reading

Negative Entities Called Satanics


In a recent blog post,  I talked about demonics—what they are and why the Good Angels and I remove them at the beginning of each and every Angel Reading I do. Now, let'[s talk about satanics and why it’s so important to clear them out before the reading begins. Continue reading



I started doing Angel Readings in 1996.  At that time I was the only one giving this type of reading. Because it wasn’t heard of I was invited to speak on TV, radio, and many other places giving me the opportunity to explain what my readings were like and how they could be so helpful… Continue reading

Negative Entities Called Separates


The way I begin each Angel Reading is by clearing out negative entities, one of them I call Separates. Here is why I call them Separates and also why they are considered negative entities and how they can affect you. Continue reading

Psychics Positives vs Negatives


I have observed that many of my clients have a high level of respect for the help they have received from Psychics. Those are the ones who have had good experiences from having done so. There are those, however, who have had bad experiences. Continue reading

Angel Reading


When no one else seemed to know there were good angels incarnated as humans, Archangel Michael told me about Incarnated Angels and asked me to share this concept with people who are Incarnated Angels in private Psychic Angel Reading sessions. Continue reading

Seeing Angels


My mom was the first person that told me about angels. When I was little, she used to read me stories, and some of them were about beautiful angels. I loved those stories, and I always wondered if angels were real.

The first time I had a direct experience with angels was when I was a child. Continue reading

Online Psychic Angel Readings


Over the last several years, as clients call or write to schedule their Psychic Angel Readings with me, increasingly more of them want their Angel Readings over Skype, Google Hang-Outs or GoToMeeting.com. I’m more than willing to accommodate their needs, and in doing so, I’ve discovered that modern day videoconferencing is an excellent way to carry out my very practical and spiritual Psychic Angel Reading sessions, and here is further information to help you consider having your next Psychic Angel Reading over videoconferencing. Continue reading