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ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Angels
Travel With Angels

Life is a journey we should travel with angels…and I’m going to tell you what I mean by that.
In our lives, besides happiness and good times, we’re also faced with a lot of negativity. For example, you may not always feel well. Things don’t always go the way want them to. Continue reading
Angelic Inspiration

Once, when Mike and I took some time off to visit Pike Place Market and the Aquarium in Seattle, WA, I really wasn’t thinking about angels at all, when I suddenly beheld several beatific, luminescent angels floating above me. The scene was incredibly beautiful and comforting and I realized that though I hadn’t been thinking about angels at all that day, they had not forgotten me. I felt happy, blessed–and very protected.
Their coming into my consciousness the way they did that day helped to Continue reading
Spiritual Shifts

A good percentage of people are currently experiencing a spiritual shift. The reason for this shift is largely because we are now moving into the Age of Aquarius, and the energy on the planet is becoming very different from the way it was before. Continue reading
Messages From Angels

I Am An Incarnated Angel and this is My Story As An Angel Reader…I am an Angel-Reader, one who is in close contact with angels of light, and who passes these messages along to the people who come to me for readings. All of my life, I have received messages for family, friends, and others from the angels. Continue reading
Professional Psychic Angel Reader

The following is a true story about my first day as an Angel Reader, and how things that looked bad at first ended up being wonderful, thanks to the Angels! Continue reading
Guardian Angel Protection

Yes, Guardian Angels love and protect, but they seldom interfere. Because they understand that people have free will, they try to influence people, but they do not force. They use positive, healing thoughts to subtly influence whomever they’re assigned to Continue reading
Angels and Akashic Records

The Akashic Records exist in the mind of God. Within the mind of God, everything you ever said, did, or thought in your lifetime was recorded by the angels. Just as a tape or video recorder records everything that is happening around it when it’s on, so it is with things that happen in your life. They’re just recorded. The recordings are made without judgment. They simply exist. They are made by a loving God, so that when you die, for instance, you can go though a full life-review, and … Continue reading
Recognizing Angels

There are a few ways that you can recognize the presence of Angels…Sometimes an angel will make a sudden appearance when you’re going through a period of sadness, like when a close friend or relative dies and you feel distraught. Continue reading
Akashic Records Clearing Negativity

Can negativity really be cleared from the Akashic Records, and if so,how does that help? The answer is: Yes! A great deal of negativity can be cleared from the Akashic Records and in fact, some of the karma can be cleared…this is how it works…
This is how it works:
People come to me because the angels lead them to do so. They either see my picture, or read something about me, or hear about me from a friend, or a combination of the above, and something tells them they need to come to me. Continue reading
The Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records? These are records kept by angels concerning every detail of our lives. Almost no one realizes how closely the angels follow people all their lives. But the fact is, the angels watch over each of us, and they keep track of every little thing that happens. They keep track of our actions, our experiences and our thoughts. Every detail is recorded. Continue reading
Angel Protection

Are there demons on earth?
Many demons have incarnated as humans. Some of them know they are demons. Others do not. One of the reasons they are in a human body is because Spirit has given them another chance to redeem themselves. Unfortunately, most of them do not Continue reading
Characteristics of an Incarnate Angel

As time progressed, more and more people that came to me for an Angel Reading turned out to be Incarnated Angels. I found inner verification for their messages but started to doubt anyway. I thought, “How could so many people who come to me just happen to be Incarnated Angels?” …There was a reason! Continue reading
Coping With Life Changes

While in the past, many of us on the side of light may not have fully recognized a dark tendency in some of the friends, relatives and associates around us, now, with all these spiritual tests going on, it is becoming so clear, we cannot miss it. Of course the angels always knew who was who and what was what, and it was only we humans in the flesh for whom it was not so clear. Now we’re seeing it too, and that realization can be heart- rending, sad or even shocking.
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Angel Blessings

While living on this earth, most people seem convinced that they should fit in and be like everybody else. They are afraid to stand out and risk looking different, because they are worried about lack of acceptance and harassment.
But for some who are actually Incarnated Angels, Earth Angels or angels in human form, I have an urgent message for you. Continue reading
Prophetic Dreams

The first time I remember having a prophetic dream, I was nine years old. I dreamed I saw my grandma lying on a bed and looking as if something was dreadfully wrong with her. This was so shocking to me, I woke up immediately and started crying and telling my mom about the scary dream. My mom comforted me and told me that everything was alright. My grandma was in very good health and it was just a dream….or was it? Continue reading
Angels Incarnate

I believe that Spirit assigned many angels to lead humans into their highest potential. Some of these angels, to fulfill their specific assignments, needed to be born into human form. In the process of being born, these angels forgot their angelic origin, however, they kept their angelic temperament. Angels-incarnate, in human form, have certain recognizable characteristics. Continue reading
Guilt Shame and Blame

Everybody has made mistakes in the past, and sometimes in remembering those mistakes, the tendency is to feel really badly…to feel guilt, shame or blame. But feeling badly isn’t necessary–as long as we learn from our mistakes and are willing to make important adjustments. Continue reading
Talk to the Angels

If you could talk to good angels, what would they say to you…would they tell you you’re doing great, or that you need to make some changes? If you want to commune with the angels, you need to prepare yourself, here are some ideas that will help open the lines of communication… Continue reading
Talk to Angels

We need to keep the Angels in our thoughts. And when you do, it’s important to remember to think about them as they truly are – divine and powerful emissaries from God. When you do, you are allowing them to bless your life. Continue reading
Angel Reading

When no one else seemed to know there were good angels incarnated as humans, Archangel Michael told me about Incarnated Angels and asked me to share this concept with people who are Incarnated Angels in private Psychic Angel Reading sessions. Continue reading