ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Happiness
Angel Reader Blessings

I have been doing professional Psychic Readings for over 20 years. From the first day I started, I was successful. At first, I was very surprised, because I didn’t realize that people would respond so positively and so quickly, because at that point, I didn’t even have a business card, and it came up in conversations with people quite by accident. But people did respond, so much so, that I made some business cards and started handing them out to people wherever I went. Continue reading
Great Awakening

For all of our lives, until recently, the world has been controlled by the dark side much more than anyone realized. This has been part of the 3rd dimensional existence we’ve all lived in our entire lives. But now… Continue reading
Visit With Buddha

Procrastination about effectively dealing with issues brings continued unhappiness, whereas intelligently facing issues head-on with courage, conviction and truthful determination allows one to develop greater self-respect, integrity and Inner Peace. I learned this as a universal truth that applies to everyone, and I also learned that many problems people face can be solved through an intelligent formula of facing their fears while concurrently letting go of attachment to outcomes.
I came to the understanding from a visit I had with the Buddha. Continue reading
You Are Incarnated Angel

“I know I’m an Incarnated Angel”, they say. “I’ve read about it, and I fit all the characteristics, and I know it’s true, because it makes so much sense, and answers so many of my questions concerning why I’ve always felt so different from other people, and why I’ve always been so drawn to Angels. But what do I do about it? What is my purpose? What should I change about my life? Can you help me?” Continue reading
Spiritual Awareness

Everyone’s soul’s yearning is to be fully linked with God. Yet Yet most people are not aware of their soul, and thus are not in touch with their soul’s yearning. For those who are aware, what do they yearn for, and how can they achieve it? Continue reading
Third Dimension Fifth Dimension

As anyone not living under a rock must have noticed, monumental changes have been bombarding our entire planet over the past few years, especially since 2020 began… Continue reading
Wisdom From Buddha

In a very spiritual experience I had once, Buddha came to me unexpectedly one afternoon. Astonished, I felt his presence a couple feet to my right, and as I adjusted to his being there, he explained that his teachings have been changed over time. Continue reading
Good Angels vs Lesser Spirits

Your negative thoughts often come from lesser spirits who desire to bring you down, they never come from the Angels. It’s important that you recognize this so you can bring yourself out of the negative state of mind that negative thoughts create.
When you have a negative thought… Continue reading
4th Dimension Confusion

We are now living through the most extraordinary time in human history. It is a time in which good is called bad, and bad is considered good, and craziness and absurdity predominates—some in awful ways that we humans thought we’d never see at all. Continue reading
Good Angels vs Bad Angels

Originally deriving from concepts of helping and tutelary spirits existing in mythologies the world over, angels later became associated with Christianity and Judaism, and for the past 30 years have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. This is completely true of the good angels, but unfortunately, not all angels are good. Some are bad, and it is extremely important to understand who the bad ones are Continue reading
Evaluation And Healing

At this time, as we enter a new year, I like to take special time to consider how I am holding myself and others in my awareness. Continue reading
Finding Your Purpose

As we approach a new year, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about getting in touch with who you really are, your life purpose, and what life is really about. Continue reading
First Angel Readings

There was no such thing as Angel Readings before I started doing them in 1996. By that time in my life, many of my decisions were being directed by Angels, and instead of simply doing “psychic readings”, I felt it was very important to give the credit where credit was due. It was the good Angels, particularly Archangel Michael, that I was working with who gave me the answers to give my clients. Continue reading
Earth Reset

Right now, we are living in the most amazing time ever, when all the possibilities of our former existences are merging, and a monumental reset of the earth and all humankind, is now imminent. Continue reading
5th Dimension Earth

As I’ve previously talked about, the earth is now rapidly heading into the fifth dimension, but not everyone will choose the fifth. Some will stay behind in the third or fourth dimensions. Continue reading
Live In 5th Dimension

All of our lives, until recently, most of humanity has been living through a 3-D reality of actually believing in the input received through the five senses. In 2020, things changed, and since that time, the whole world has gone nuts… Continue reading
The New Earth

Many years ago, while standing in my friend’s kitchen and looking at her as she was sitting at the table at the end of the room, God suddenly gave me the impulse to say… Continue reading
Life of Incarnated Angel

As you read what I am saying about Incarnated Angels, you will realize that being one is not necessarily a walk in the park. Being an Incarnated Angel here on this earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.
Continue reading
Angel Reading Messages

The messages that come in my Angel Readings do not come to me by accident or happenstance. My work is distinct, it involves my natural, innate psychic ability Continue reading
Communicate with Angels

Many people think about angels and wonder if they are real. And if they do exist, is there something they would like to tell them. Angels do exist and you can learn to communicate with them. Continue reading