Wisdom From Buddha


In a very spiritual experience I had once, Buddha came to me unexpectedly one afternoon.  Astonished, I felt his presence a couple feet to my right, and as I adjusted to his being there, he explained that his teachings have been changed over time. Continue reading

Working With Angels


We understand the Angels will help us achieve our goals and reach the destinations we want to reach in life. Now we should talk about how they can help us bring all this to pass. Getting started… Continue reading

Good Angels vs Lesser Spirits


Your negative thoughts often come from lesser spirits who desire to bring you down, they never come from the Angels. It’s important that you recognize this so you can bring yourself out of the negative state of mind that negative thoughts create.
When you have a negative thought… Continue reading

Importance of Angel Readings


As an  Angel Reader, one of the main reasons I incarnated here is to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth who would otherwise feel hurt, confused and alone. I’ve known who I am, and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years. The reason I know who I am is because of something that happened to me in 1990. Continue reading

Understanding Incarnated Angels


Most people believe that angels exist and that the good ones try to help us, but the idea that they’re not just out there in the ethereal realm, but also in the physical realm, as humans, is an understanding not as many are aware of. Continue reading

War In Heaven


As I’ve said many times before, some people are Incarnated Angels…While all humans are children of God, Incarnated Angels, who were also made by God, were created earlier. In days of old, as is recorded in the Bible, there once was a war in Heaven… Continue reading

Your Angel Readings


During the Angel Readings I do, I often notice that the people with the best attitudes get the best results… Continue reading

Archangel Michael Health Advice


While working with Archangel Michael in Psychic Angel Readings and Intuitive Spiritual Counseling…I have always found him to be incredibly helpful with even the most mundane issues, like helping to find our keys and helping to get the job you want.  But more importantly, he also helps us with our health. Continue reading

Angel Readings Improve Life


I’m clairaudient and clairvoyant and I have all the psychic skills that go along with being so. In the course of a reading, I begin by saying a prayer…Then I clear out negative entities in order to ensure that we’re only working with the highest and the best. Continue reading

Recognize Incarnated Angels


I had known that I was an Incarnated Angel for many years, but I didn’t know that other people besides myself could be Incarnated Angels until that day… Continue reading

Psychic Angel Reader Miracle


My first day started out that I had 3 appointments scheduled, but none of the three showed up. Obviously, I was thrilled later in the day when my first appointment knocked on my door, but this is just the beginning of the miracle… Continue reading

What is An Angel Reading


An Angel Reading is a psychic reading directed by the Angels of God.
When the concept came to me,, and I began calling my work Angel Readings, I did it because I recognized that the Angels were behind my psychic gifts, and I wanted to give them credit – not wanting all the attention directed towards me, but mostly to the Angels of God. Continue reading

Era Of Truth


As the earth leaves the Age of Pisces and enters the Age of Aquarius, we are now heading into an era of Truth. Truth is always important, even when it’s uncomfortable. Continue reading

Angels Incarnated


I know that some angels incarnate as humans because I am one. Several years ago, just as I was starting to fall asleep, I suddenly found myself in another realm as an angel. Actually, at first, I didn’t know I was an angel…but what I did know was that I was a huge, powerful, all-knowing being–and absolutely ancient. Continue reading

ZARA Angel


Who is ZARA Angel? ZARA has always been aware of angels and was aware of her spiritual gifts as a young child. She was so intuitive that if she was in a room with more than one grown-up… “it was very disconcerting, I could hear all their thoughts!” she describes. Continue reading

4th Dimension Confusion


We are now living through the most extraordinary time in human history.  It is a time in which good is called bad, and bad is considered good, and craziness and absurdity predominates—some in awful ways that we humans thought we’d never see at all. Continue reading

Presence of Angels


Over the past few decades, angels have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. And in fact, angels are supernal beings created by Divine Essence long before humankind. Continue reading

Good Angels vs Bad Angels


Originally deriving from concepts of helping and tutelary spirits existing in mythologies the world over, angels later became associated with Christianity and Judaism, and for the past 30 years have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. This is completely true of the good angels, but unfortunately, not all angels are good. Some are bad, and it is extremely important to understand who the bad ones are Continue reading

Evaluation And Healing


At this time, as we enter a new year, I like to take special time to consider how I am holding myself and others in my awareness. Continue reading

Finding Your Purpose


As we approach a new year, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about getting in touch with who you really are, your life purpose, and what life is really about. Continue reading