Tag Archives: Guardian Angels

Inner Child Healing


Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the Inner Child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual we will call Erin, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, verbalized that she “had already worked out her inner Child issues” long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed us that there were still issues concerning her Inner Child that were definitely holding her back. Continue reading

Angels Help


Angels are beautiful Beings created by God, and some of them are assigned by God to serve humanity. Although people do not normally see or hear them, the Angels do interact in our lives more than we could possibly know. Continue reading

Presence of Angels


Over the past few decades, angels have become popularized as kind and helpful beings devoted to guiding and protecting each person on earth. And in fact, angels are supernal beings created by Divine Essence long before humankind. Continue reading

Supernatural Beings


For as long as humans have been on this earth we have known of the wonderful, yet mysterious supernatural beings known as Angels.

We have known them from their visitations, and only when we open ourselves to receive their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance. Continue reading

Angel Numbers


The best way to become aware of your Guardian Angels is to talk to them. They may be invisible, but they still hear you. And when you talk to them, they will respond, and their responses will increase your faith in the reality of your Guardian Angels.

The Guardian Angels might respond by causing you to notice repeating numbers. Continue reading

Ask Guardian Angel


“The wisdom of the ages teaches that each individual, whether a believer or not, good or bad, old or young, sick or well, rich or poor, has a personal Guardian Angel with him or her at every moment of life’s journey.”

It is wonderful to know that you have a Guardian Angel, and it is even more wonderful to know that you actually have the ability to contact your Guardian Angel in order to get some of the comfort and insight you need. Continue reading

Angel Reading Miracles


I’m often pleasantly surprised when people, calling me for the first time, enthusiastically share their stories about how they found me. I’ve heard astonishing reports so many times now, that I know for sure the Angels are behind it all. It couldn’t be mere coincidence. Yes, the Angels are the ones who make these miracles happen! Continue reading

Guardian Angel Miracles


Have you ever had a conscious experience with your Guardian Angel? Many people have, and some have shared their genuine personal experiences of Guardian Angels with me, and now, I’d like to share some of their stories with you. Continue reading

Your Guardian Angel


Everyone has a Guardian Angel from birth, and that means you do as well. In fact, you may even have more than one. Some people have two or three! Do you know yours?

Have you ever noticed that you get extra protection just when you need it even when it looks like you are out of luck? Sometimes scary things happen in your life when you least expect it. Continue reading

Guardian Angel Protection


Yes, Guardian Angels love and protect, but they seldom interfere. Because they understand that people have free will, they try to influence people, but they do not force. They use positive, healing thoughts to subtly influence whomever they’re assigned to Continue reading

Guardian Angels


Guardian Angels are Real!
Everyone has at least one Guardian Angel assigned to them when they are born, and that means you’ve had a Guardian Angel your entire life. Some traditions teach that people have two or more Guardian Angels forever close to them. This means that you may have two or more Guardian Angels guiding and protecting you every day of your life. Continue reading