Category Archives: God

Good Angels Bad Angels and Humans


In the Universe, there are both good and bad angels. Good angels are the ones people usually refer to when they use the term “angels”. In fact, many people are not really aware that bad angels even exist. Yet knowledge of their existence and their methods can be vitally Continue reading

Mandela Effect and New Earth


We have shifted into the Age of Aquarius and the New Earth, how can that affect your life? You might be amazed at the wonderful changes that could occur in your life when you are open to them… Continue reading

Flying with Seraphim Angels


Having stayed in an oppressive situation far too long, and feeling resigned to continue indefinitely, I went to sleep at night only to be metaphorically awakened in a lucid dream in which I found myself flying through the universe, soaring Superman-style through colorful dimensions. All at once, I became aware that my right hand was being held by someone. Looking to my right, I beheld a huge powerful presence, a Seraphim angel Continue reading

Purpose on Earth


One of the most frequent topics people who I do readings for bring up is that they want to know what their purpose is. This is one of the things Incarnated Angels, in particular, are concerned with. This is because Incarnated Angels tend to not be satisfied with merely pursuing wealth and material things. They want to feel that they are serving God and their fellow man as well. Continue reading

Angels Help With Goals


I am a Psychic Angel-Reader/Life Coach, and as such I assist people in obtaining their goals, many of which relate to finances and prosperity. While working with clients, angels have revealed to me that they want to help make our worthwhile desires come true, and they will do that if we take the time to know what we want, and then ask. Continue reading

How To Remember Dreams


Although many people do not place much importance in their dreams, in fact, remembering and deciphering dreams provides a wealth of information and guidance that can genuinely help people navigate successfully in their lives. Continue reading

Path To God


For those who want to live their lives doing good works and helping others, I’ve got news for you… Continue reading



The true purpose of meditation is to gain a conscious connection with the Divine. The idea is that everyone came from the infinite initially, but through the hassles of daily living, we have gotten out of touch with our true souls. Meditation is one of the ways you can get back in touch with your soul. Continue reading

Amazing Spiritual Journey


My Amazing Spiritual Journey Being an Angel Reader has been interesting, fascinating and fun. I enjoy talking to people and sharing information given to me by the Angels. I watch how this work helps so many people and changes their … Continue reading

Dealing with Priorities


Lately as I meet with people to do Angel Readings and help them in their personal lives and situations, I have noticed that almost everyone I meet is dealing with a similar energy—which is, most people are so completely busy with countless numbers of priorities, that they are totally overwhelmed Continue reading

Jumping to Conclusions


First…why do people jump to conclusions? In my work with God and Angels in the Angel Readings I do, I’ve realized that people’s minds are geared to putting parts of things together to make a whole. We do this in an attempt to understand our environment, to keep ourselves safe, and to make sense of things around us. Continue reading

New Earth


Even though things seem terrible right now, the future for humanity will be awesome, as we begin to live in the New Earth… Continue reading

Turmoil And Chaos


During these interesting times we’re living through, you may have found yourself more tuned into the guidance of God and Good Angels than you were previously. One thing I find very interesting is that many people have told me… Continue reading



In the eastern religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the Sikh philosophy, karma is considered to be action or deed and the results that naturally follow. One of the first laws of physics, “for every action there is a reaction”, is also the law of karma. Continue reading

Choose Darkness Or Light


As most people are coming to realize, we are now in a time of great change. But which way things ultimately go—whether in the direction of darkness or light—is up to us. Continue reading

Inner Peace In Uncertain Times


There’s no question that we’re now living in very interesting and uncertain times. As many of you will agree, things in everyone’s life changed so quickly and radically all of a sudden, that everything has become quite confusing. In spite of it all, you can gain and maintain inner peace. Continue reading

Blessed by Angels


We are living in a time of change. So much is happening so fast, it’s difficult to keep track. In fact, lately, even very spiritual people are so seriously challenged by all the changes in our daily lives, we sometimes wonder, “What’s up?”

For this reason, now more than ever, we need the help of angels in our lives. Continue reading

New Earth Reality Shift


Some time in 2018, I became aware that things were changing in a surrealistic way. What I mean by that is that reality itself is definitely shifting. Have you noticed these things too? Continue reading

Stop Living In Fear


The best thing you can do right now, and at any other time in your life, is to believe in God and the Angels, trust them to love and protect you, and feel their loving presence. Continue reading

Connecting With Angels


The most important connection any of us can make in life is our connection with angels. Some people want to get to God directly through meditation and prayer, but from my experience, prayer and meditation lead directly to a connection with angels, which then leads us to God. This is because angels are intermediaries to God, and when you pray and meditate, they listen, respond and sometimes intercede. Continue reading