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612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Archangel Michael
Experience The Angels

Many attest that their lives have been blessed by Angels. There are books and stories about such facts. Though wonderful and inspiring, these books and stories are, they are about the author’s experiences, not your own. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to experience your own time with Angels. Continue reading
Angel Reader Medium

I am in close contact with Angels of Light, and I pass these messages along to you, usually within the context of a Reading. All of my life I have received messages for family, friends, and others from the Angels. I am moved to share this important angelic message. As you read these words, you may recognize yourself and perhaps some of your friends and family as well…
Although I could not resist the push I felt to give the messages I received in dreams and meditation, I did not fully understand who these messages were from. Perhaps I should have known, because whenever the messages were given to their intended recipients, they produced so much Love and Healing. Continue reading
Angels and Akashic Records

The Akashic Records exist in the mind of God. Within the mind of God, everything you ever said, did, or thought in your lifetime was recorded by the angels. Just as a tape or video recorder records everything that is happening around it when it’s on, so it is with things that happen in your life. They’re just recorded. The recordings are made without judgment. They simply exist. They are made by a loving God, so that when you die, for instance, you can go though a full life-review, and … Continue reading
Creation of Angels

Angels were created by God before other things in Creation were brought into being. That’s the information I received from Archangel Michael. He says that in the beginning, God was all that was in the universe, and that eventually… Continue reading
Angel Protection

Are there demons on earth?
Many demons have incarnated as humans. Some of them know they are demons. Others do not. One of the reasons they are in a human body is because Spirit has given them another chance to redeem themselves. Unfortunately, most of them do not Continue reading
Negative Entities Called Demonics

In a couple of my most recent blog posts, I talked about two types of negative entities that I clear out in the beginning of each and every Angel Reading I do… Discarnates and Separates. In this blog post, I will write about yet another type of negative entity that I clear out as well -Demonics. Continue reading
Good vs Evil

Out in the universe, there are both good and bad entities. Not everything out there is good, as many are led to believe. In fact, although many have rejected classic models for good and bad adhered to by religions throughout the world, my feeling is that although some religions have twisted the truth and missed the point, there is still a great deal of truth within certain religions. Continue reading
Archangel Michael and Incarnated Angels

Every Incarnated Angel/Earth Angel has a connection with Archangel Michael. Over the past many years, I have talked to numerous clients who said that they felt very close to him and that many times, they could feel his presence. Continue reading
Angel Reading

When no one else seemed to know there were good angels incarnated as humans, Archangel Michael told me about Incarnated Angels and asked me to share this concept with people who are Incarnated Angels in private Psychic Angel Reading sessions. Continue reading
Seeing Angels

My mom was the first person that told me about angels. When I was little, she used to read me stories, and some of them were about beautiful angels. I loved those stories, and I always wondered if angels were real.
The first time I had a direct experience with angels was when I was a child. Continue reading

Evil doesn’t like good, they are the complete opposite. In the beginning, one-third of all the angels, became fallen angels, or demons, and became evil. In fact, that’s when evil initially came into being.
An interesting fact worth noting is that e-v-i-l is actually l-i-v-e spelled backwards…significant because the angels who chose evil chose everything backwards from that point. Continue reading
Archangel Michaels Insights Part 2

This is the continuation and final part of this article…
Archangel Michael came through in one of my classes a while back, and revealed insights and answers on several important topics. These insights were recorded by J.M. Continue reading
Angel Reading Experience

My Angel Readings are very interactive, so you will definitely get the opportunity to talk about your background, etc., within the session. You may also send me a brief paragraph concerning things you want me to know before the session. Continue reading
Online Psychic Angel Readings

Over the last several years, as clients call or write to schedule their Psychic Angel Readings with me, increasingly more of them want their Angel Readings over Skype, Google Hang-Outs or I’m more than willing to accommodate their needs, and in doing so, I’ve discovered that modern day videoconferencing is an excellent way to carry out my very practical and spiritual Psychic Angel Reading sessions, and here is further information to help you consider having your next Psychic Angel Reading over videoconferencing. Continue reading
Types of Angels

I work with good angels in all choirs, especially angels and archangels; but the one I work with the most is Archangel Michael. Some angels have the job description of Guardian Angels and of course I work with them as well. Continue reading