ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Category Archives: Angel Readings
How To Remember Dreams

Although many people do not place much importance in their dreams, in fact, remembering and deciphering dreams provides a wealth of information and guidance that can genuinely help people navigate successfully in their lives. Continue reading
Remembering Understanding Dreams

I absolutely love dreams, and I love helping people, within the Angel Readings that I do, understand the meaning of their dreams. Do you remember your dreams, and do you understand their meaning? Continue reading
Past Life Regression

In the Angel Readings I do, many clients want to know if they’ve lived before. When I look for the answer, with Archangel Michael as my guide, I often find that the answer is “yes”. At that point, I reveal what I see from their past lives…who they were, where they lived, the time period, and what, of significance, was happening at the time. Continue reading
Fight The Darkside

Would you believe, that while the world is apparently in upheaval and chaos, it is actually being brought into God’s order. This will not be the plan the dark side has had in mind Continue reading
Pendulums A Spiritual Guide

Absolutely one of the most amazingly effective methods of accessing information about yourself and others metaphysically, is through the use of the pendulum. Continue reading
Jumping to Conclusions

First…why do people jump to conclusions? In my work with God and Angels in the Angel Readings I do, I’ve realized that people’s minds are geared to putting parts of things together to make a whole. We do this in an attempt to understand our environment, to keep ourselves safe, and to make sense of things around us. Continue reading
Fallen Angels

Who are the Angels that fell from Grace, and what led them to start an insurrection against God? Continue reading
Psychic Reading Benefits

In the course of a reading, I start by saying a prayer. Then I quickly clear negative entities out, which in itself is a huge service. I do this so that the information that comes through will be from the highest and the best – always from the Angels. Then information about YOU on the deepest level of your soul can start pouring through – things the Angels have always wanted to tell you, but which you could not hear and in this way, they bring insight and direction to you through my mediumship. Continue reading
Release Negativity

Many people whose lives have been held back by negative conditioning, can be released from their negative patterns by working together with me and the Angels… Continue reading
Angels Transform Lives

During my Psychic Angel Readings, I have witnessed many people suddenly comprehend that they have a variety of choices in their lives that they never knew they had. This is how the Angels work. They give us different options and show us how we can transform our lives. Continue reading
Spiritual Counseling

Many people whose lives have been held back by negative conditioning, can be released from their negative patterns as we work together to resolve the negative programming, and then change the programming so they can live happier, more productive lives. This is how it works… Continue reading
Messages From Angels

I Am An Incarnated Angel and this is My Story As An Angel Reader…I am an Angel-Reader, one who is in close contact with angels of light, and who passes these messages along to the people who come to me for readings. All of my life, I have received messages for family, friends, and others from the angels. Continue reading
Reality Shifts

Some people believe that either reality or our concept of reality is shifting. Is it even possible for reality to shift or change? This is what I know… Continue reading
Professional Psychic Angel Reader

The following is a true story about my first day as an Angel Reader, and how things that looked bad at first ended up being wonderful, thanks to the Angels! Continue reading
Guardian Angel Protection

Yes, Guardian Angels love and protect, but they seldom interfere. Because they understand that people have free will, they try to influence people, but they do not force. They use positive, healing thoughts to subtly influence whomever they’re assigned to Continue reading
Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels are Real!
Everyone has at least one Guardian Angel assigned to them when they are born, and that means you’ve had a Guardian Angel your entire life. Some traditions teach that people have two or more Guardian Angels forever close to them. This means that you may have two or more Guardian Angels guiding and protecting you every day of your life. Continue reading
Who Are Incarnated Angels

Archangel Gabriel’s message was compelling. “Remember who you are” he said. “You are an Angel. You came here to help the divine plan. It is important that you recognize your true heritage so that you can quickly get on with your mission…” Continue reading
Angel Reader Medium

I am in close contact with Angels of Light, and I pass these messages along to you, usually within the context of a Reading. All of my life I have received messages for family, friends, and others from the Angels. I am moved to share this important angelic message. As you read these words, you may recognize yourself and perhaps some of your friends and family as well…
Although I could not resist the push I felt to give the messages I received in dreams and meditation, I did not fully understand who these messages were from. Perhaps I should have known, because whenever the messages were given to their intended recipients, they produced so much Love and Healing. Continue reading
Angels Good and Bad

The only Angels I care to deal with are good Angels. I stay away from the bad ones, and I absolutely do not allow bad angels to influence my Readings. Continue reading
Recognizing Angels

There are a few ways that you can recognize the presence of Angels…Sometimes an angel will make a sudden appearance when you’re going through a period of sadness, like when a close friend or relative dies and you feel distraught. Continue reading