ZARA’s Guidance Rocks
ZARA – You Are An Angel
Spiritualist Testimonial
ZARA – testimonial from India
San Francisco Testimonial
ZARA and the Angels – L.A. Testimonial
Student Testimonial for ZARA
Angel Readings by ZARA
612 Chenois Ave NE Box 61
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Tag Archives: Archangel Michael
Questions For ZARA

There are probably many questions that you would like to ask ZARA, but have never, or may never have the chance…these are some questions and answers that were asked of her during an inteview that might give you the understanding you are looking for. Continue reading
Talk With Angels

From the beginning, the information I’ve given about Incarnated Angels, otherwise known as Earth Angels, is pure because it comes directly from Archangel Michael, who told me that the majority of people who are continually attracted to my work and come to me for Angel Readings are Incarnated Angels. Continue reading
What Are Incarnated Angels

There was a time when the good Angels that always remained on God’s side, only influenced people through intuition and showed up in visions. Sometimes, they even temporarily came into a human body and interacted with humans, but things changed… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels And Todays Society

In communing with Archangel Michael about why Incarnated Angels sometimes feel lost as to what kind of occupation to pursue, the answer I received is that the modern day world makes it hard for them to fit in, in this way… Continue reading
ZARAs Psychic Angel Readings

If you haven’t met me yet, I am ZARA, and my joy and my passion is to perform Psychic Angel Readings. I am a Clairsentient and Intuitive Angel Reader. Why do I do what I do? Continue reading
Introduction of Incarnated Angels

Incarnated Angels are here for a very special purpose. They are here to help and guide humanity to love God, love one another and practice kindness in all that they do. This, of course, is very similar to the function of non-incarnated angels, but because masses of people have lost touch with their High Self and intuition, most people are oblivious to the presence and guidance of angels and do not hear them….then do they really have a purpose? Continue reading
Angel Messenger

This is an interview with ZARA, discussing her mission as an Angel Messenger and Advocate… Continue reading
Incarnated Angels Exist

After 10 years of daily meditation, I was very surprised to discover that I am actually an Incarnated Angel. My daily meditation practice was for the express purpose of gaining direct experience of God, and as an unexpected side-effect, I was shocked to ascertain that originally, before ever incarnating as a human, my soul started out as that of an Angel of God. Continue reading
Discovering You’re An Incarnated Angel

If you identify with being an Incarnated Angel, chances are you would like some direction as to what to do with your new-found knowledge. In my work as an Angel Reader, I often receive emails and phone calls from people who believe they are Incarnated Angels, and who want more information and direction as to what they can do to get started with their Angel-work. Continue reading
Understanding Incarnated Angels

Most people believe that angels exist and that the good ones try to help us, but the idea that they’re not just out there in the ethereal realm, but also in the physical realm, as humans, is an understanding not as many are aware of. Continue reading
Archangel Michael Health Advice

While working with Archangel Michael in Psychic Angel Readings and Intuitive Spiritual Counseling…I have always found him to be incredibly helpful with even the most mundane issues, like helping to find our keys and helping to get the job you want. But more importantly, he also helps us with our health. Continue reading
Recognize Incarnated Angels

I had known that I was an Incarnated Angel for many years, but I didn’t know that other people besides myself could be Incarnated Angels until that day… Continue reading
What is An Angel Reading

An Angel Reading is a psychic reading directed by the Angels of God.
When the concept came to me,, and I began calling my work Angel Readings, I did it because I recognized that the Angels were behind my psychic gifts, and I wanted to give them credit – not wanting all the attention directed towards me, but mostly to the Angels of God. Continue reading
Understanding Angels

Angels possess a great ability to help us in many ways that most people are not aware of. They can intervene in problems and situations that are happening in your life, and even in moments of extreme danger, they can come to rescue you immediately. When could they come into your life? Continue reading
First Angel Readings

There was no such thing as Angel Readings before I started doing them in 1996. By that time in my life, many of my decisions were being directed by Angels, and instead of simply doing “psychic readings”, I felt it was very important to give the credit where credit was due. It was the good Angels, particularly Archangel Michael, that I was working with who gave me the answers to give my clients. Continue reading
Earth Angels Or Incarnated Angels

Have you ever wondered if you were an angel who incarnated as a human, or maybe you’re an earth angel? Especially now, when so many interesting things are happening around us, and so many people are awakening to ideas they were originally closed to, it’s important to know who you really are. Continue reading
Truth About Incarnated Angels

I feel it is unwise for people to make claims about Incarnated Angels when they have no true knowledge of who the Incarnated Angels are and what their presence here really means. Continue reading
Life of Incarnated Angel

As you read what I am saying about Incarnated Angels, you will realize that being one is not necessarily a walk in the park. Being an Incarnated Angel here on this earth is like being a soldier in the trenches.
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Angel Reading Messages

The messages that come in my Angel Readings do not come to me by accident or happenstance. My work is distinct, it involves my natural, innate psychic ability Continue reading
Good Angels Incarnate

Working directly with Archangel Michael in 1996, I received the message that some good angels incarnate as humans, and through his direction, I brought in the concept that good angels can incarnate as humans. Here is my updated vintage article, first published in 1998 as “Victory of the Angels”, that first began the conversation that some good angels can and do incarnate as humans. Continue reading