Archive | Incarnated Angels


Control Your Life

The modern idea that everything that happens in your life is a product of YOUR creation is an irritatingly crazy-making concept that causes people to feel that whatever malady or oppressive situation they are faced with is ultimately their fault. From my experience, this sometimes works, but not always. Life is uncertain, no matter what […]

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Questions For ZARA

There are probably many questions that you would like to ask ZARA, but have never, or may never have the chance…these are some questions and answers that were asked of her during an inteview that might give you the understanding you are looking for.

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Talk With Angels

From the beginning, the information I’ve given about Incarnated Angels, otherwise known as Earth Angels, is pure because it comes directly from Archangel Michael, who told me that the majority of people who are continually attracted to my work and come to me for Angel Readings are Incarnated Angels.

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Angels Among Us

I’m an Angel Reader. One of the main reasons I incarnated here has been to offer guidance and direction for angels on earth, angels who are among us who would otherwise feel hurt, confused, alone… I’ve known who I am and have been very successful as an Angel Reader for over fifteen years.

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Understanding Dark Side

It would be wonderful to be able to truthfully say that the side of Light has already won all battles here on planet earth, but unfortunately, this is far from the case. In fact, those of us on the side of light have our work cut out for us. The Cosmic War, affecting the entire […]

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Incarnated Angels Life Path

Question from client: “What I’ve personally noticed is that, like me, the other incarnated Angels I’ve spoken with don’t seem to have a particular interest in achieving goals related to worldly jobs, but rather I feel we are more left brained people. Due to this we often tend to feel useless or pointless. How would […]

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Incarnated Angels Act Intuitively

Many clients who come to me for Angel Readings begin by mentioning that they’ve just realized that they are either an Incarnated Angel or an Earth Angel, (which are actually two different designations for the same phenomenon), and they want to know what to do to fulfill their purpose.  

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