Incarnated Angel Life

Life As An Incarnated Angel

TeachingAsIncarnatedAngel2-AngelReadingsbyZARAIn the Bible, Jesus taught the crowds with parables.

Why did he do this?

Because parables are stories with worthwhile lessons embedded within them, that the unconscious minds of the average human can understand. He did this because if he had told them the same thing in a more direct way, they wouldn’t have been able to grasp the meaning.

The other evening, I happened to see one of my Incarnated Angel clients at a social event. The moment she caught sight of me, she ran up to me and gave me a long, heartfelt embrace. Then after the two of us managed to find a table where we could sit down and talk privately, and with a great deal of emotion, she said,

You changed my life. Since I’ve been coming to you over the last four years, I think about myself differently. I see myself as the Angel that I am, and it makes all the difference. I now believe in myself so much more than before, and I know what to do and say in a way I didn’t before.”

Her words, (very similar to those which I have heard from numerous clients before), were healing for me. When people tell me things like this, I enjoy the feedback that tells me how effective my Angel-work is in truly helping people.

When someone truly is an Incarnated Angel, but does not know it, they tend to go through life feeling unsure of themselves. In past blog posts, I have written that Incarnated Angels are different from other people in ways that are noticeable to both them and other people, but…

Being different is not necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, some of the differences we’re talking about are very advantageous, and are attributes that help the Incarnated Angel through life. The problem however, occurs when regular humans, sensing that “difference”, do not accept the Incarnated Angel into the community merely because they seem different.

CruelToIncarnatedAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAThe problem may not be so severe as people keeping the Incarnated Angels completely out of their social groups. What happens most frequently is that other, more narrow minded regular humans, begin to act suspicious of the Incarnated Angel, and make snide remarks to the Incarnated Angel’s face, as well as saying mean and destructive gossipy things about the Incarnated Angels behind their backs. Typically, after the mean gossip starts, others follow suit and begin to act unfriendly and more unappreciative of the Incarnated Angel’s presence in the group. Or worse, sometimes the Incarnated Angels get shunned from the group entirely.

Why are some regular humans like that?

Because many humans have a “herd” mentality, they often are not-accepting of anyone who is even a little different from them in their habits and thinking patterns. Of course, some regular humans are more enlightened than others, but because regular humans think differently than do Incarnated Angels, the danger of them turning on the Incarnated Angel is always there.

HelpFromIncarnatedAngels-AngelReadingsByZARAYet Incarnated Angels are here to help the humans and be a guide for them. So how is that supposed to be accomplished if regular humans are so unaccepting of them?

The answer is that Incarnated Angels must be cautious in their dealings with regular humans. Because they will never be able to understand things on an Incarnated Angel’s level…there should be caution in sharing any information or thoughts with them that they may not be able to understand.

Some of the things that are completely obvious to highly intelligent Incarnated Angels completely go over the heads of many of the regular humans. This is where Jesus’ parables that I talked about earlier come into play. Just as he told stories with lessons (parables) which helped people understand certain principles he wanted them to understand, so can Incarnated Angels, tell stories about things in their lives, or in other people’s lives which help children, family, and friends to intuitively understand the ideas that are important for them. This is an easier, safer way to make a difference in people’s lives.

The Angels and I can help you discover if you are an Incarnated Angel, what your purpose is, how to accomplish your “Angel Work”, or receive guidance for a happier, more meaningful life.

Through Angel Readings, Spiritual Counseling, and the use of a pendulum, the Angels and I are here to help. We can help clear negativity from your past, help you answer some of your deepest life questions, and help you make the right choices that will bring you joy and happiness no matter what is going on around you.

Schedule your private session with me 

or call me at: (425) 741-9752 and we can work together to clear any issues you might have and develop your plan to do the work you were sent here to do.

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